Has Modern Archaeology Changed The History Of Islam? | The Sacred City | Parable

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In this startling documentary, writer and historian Dan Gibson demonstrates that descriptions of Mohammed’s original holy city – as detailed in the Qur’an and Islamic histories, do not match that of the Mecca we know today. Then using the Qibla direction of the first ancient mosques, Gibson questions whether the location is actually Petra, the colossal archaeological site in Jordan's southwestern desert.

This film sets out evidence from within Islamic sources – while also using modern technologies - to track down the biggest secret of the last fifteen hundred years. Gibson not only finds the location of the original Mecca but also provides a convincing argument as to how such a great misunderstanding in Islamic history came about.

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Getting a bacon ad before watching a documentary on Islam almost seems like trolling by YouTube.


Questioning your religion is a sign of WISDOM AND ENLIGHTENMENT. So, don't be afraid. Test the introduced truth with deliberate facts.


Huge thank to Dan for revealing the truth !


Fascinating. I don’t speak arabic but I know some words. City of Kufa… people who joined the new movement and started to pray towards Mecca. There is a word kufar/kafir in arabic meaning wrong believer, betrayer. Is it possible that its roots are in this incident of Kufa people becoming betrayers and abandonned Petra as their quibla? Anyone who knows the language??


so a guy who calls this historical region "mesopotania" instead of "mesopotamia" wants to teach us about islamic history?


I've seen this documentary before. Dan Gibson is an excellent researcher but this material is several years old. There is new truth being uncovered almost every day about the origins of Islam. Follow the research for yourself if you're interested. Dr. Jay Smith and his team are doing extraordinary research into this very subject and the evidence he has uncovered is jaw-droppingly eye-opening. (I JUST came up with that one 😮👀)


And they say the Quran has never changed 😂


And how they destroyed others culture deliberately can't be forget. Dan has done a great research and based on evidence he has prooved how false could be a book.


This is phenomenal work and information! ❤


Although I have little knowledge of my religion, the mistakes mentioned in the passage are unforgivable. It is clear to me that they deliberately lie for reasons 1. Mecca is mentioned in the Qur’an as barren, as in Surah Ibrahim verse 37 2. How does he explain the Prophet’s migration to Medina and the countless hadiths that I talked about Mecca such as Cave of Hira, Mount Thawr, the Black Stone, the Maqam of Ibrahim, Al-Safa, Al-Marwah and others. 3. Muslims do not pray to the Black Stone, but they pray towards the Kaaba and we do not worship it as some claim. Like the Al-Baqi cemetery 5. To say that Petra is Mecca is a very insignificant statement because it is close to the Romans, so if Islam had started there, the Romans would attack it and the Muslims would still be weak 6. Countless historical sources that deny this, such as the wars of Khalid Ibn Al-Walid and his companions 7. There is no difference All Muslims since its inception until now on the place of Mecca 8. When some of the companions emigrated to Abyssinia at the beginning of Islam, it was mentioned that they took a much shorter period than if Mecca was Petra, and he mentioned that they crossed the Red Sea 9. The well of Zamzam water is not found in Petra, but in Mecca ... and other evidence, and frankly, I see that this passage is nothing but an intellectual war to distort the image of Islam among the ignorant. No reputable historian can utter such clear lies


Regardless what happened after the Prophet Mohammed SAW died, Masjid Nabawi in Madiena was built before the prophet died, by the prophet. Madina is south of Petra, and north of Mecca, the qibla wall of Masjid al nabawi faces south toward Mecca where the Kaba is currently.


1.The astonishing fact there is no artefacts or ruins found in Mecca city after excavation except Kaba Sharif!!!
2. The carter pillar stone balls and city markings in Petra significant.
Appreciated ....


Ha ha, such 1400yrs old tribal revelations become huge problem of world wide now with terror nd fanatic mindset 😂🤣😂


I remember in my mosque when they changed the direction of prayer. It almost broke my faith, I questioned it, got the answers and I realized my arrogance. SubhAllah 🤲🏼 Inshallah I will never stray again.


وَأَنِ احْكُمْ بَيْنَهُمْ بِمَا أَنْزَلَ اللَّهُ وَلَا تَتَّبِعْ أَهْوَاءَهُمْ وَاحْذَرْهُمْ أَنْ يَفْتِنُوكَ عَنْ بَعْضِ مَا أَنْزَلَ اللَّهُ إِلَيْكَ ۖ فَإِنْ تَوَلَّوْا فَاعْلَمْ أَنَّمَا يُرِيدُ اللَّهُ أَنْ يُصِيبَهُمْ بِبَعْضِ ذُنُوبِهِمْ ۗ وَإِنَّ كَثِيرًا مِنَ النَّاسِ لَفَاسِقُونَ


Great documentary 👏 . Thank you soo much 💓


The people who doesn't read the Qur'an didn't understand that. Mecca isn't the direction of prayer of Muslims. It was written in "Surah Al-Baqara" the direction of prayer is towards the Majid Al-Haram (The Forbidden Masjid), not the Mecca.


The whole quran was written in the time of the messenger. It wasnt a matter of memorizing it. The quran itself said to always write debts or contracts or transactions+ to bring 2 men witnesses. The quran itself is a contract. Quran said about a debt to write EVERYTHING small or big. The history of compilation of the quran by memory is a lie. It doesnt make sense and its in complete contradiction of what the book itself say. Here is the chapter and verse 2:282.
It gives a big importance to writing. And the quran was way more important then a simple debt for the messenger and his followers. Are we supposed to think that the author of the quran told us to write every little detail of a simple debt but not the quran itself while it was revealed?


I am not sure why do you insist to call egyptian and all middle eastern Arabia or arabs. it is just a language which spread around after invading those land by Islam, with bloody wars. this language is coming from a city called Kufa in southern todays Iraq, which was a military city built by the Sassanian dynesty empire. the writtings are influenced by Pahlavi language as well. The first Islamic government didn't write like this til 4th Khalifa. It was called the Kufi language. Beside that it was intresting research. by the wasy city of mecca, macce existed in Iraq and southern Iran as well with different pronunciation.


Yes Petra 💯real direction. I have seen it
