15 Most Shocking MCU Reveals

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There’s nothing quite like the shock reveal in cinema. The one that can leave us breathless, or crushed with sadness or just full of unbridled joy. When we are completely taken unawares and made to feel very real sudden emotion, the true power of cinema is put on show. When it comes to these big shocking reveals, Marvel are some of the best, and have a trend of leaving in pure shock and taking us off guard. Given that the MCU has been going for over a decade now, it is unsurprising that they have had a number of shocking reveals during their run. Some have left us with tears of happiness in our eyes, other times they have left us with tears of sadness and other times they have just left our mouths glued to the floor and with tears in our eyes just for the heck of it.
But some Marvel reveals have been more surprising than others. That’s why in this video we are going to take a look at 15 of the most shocking reveals to ever happen in the MCU. From the reveal that your first date is related to your primary villain, to the reveal that your best friend’s best friend murdered your parents, the return of a fan favorite character and the moment a top villain proved that they had killer dance moves.
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0:00 Intro
0:29 I am Iron Man
1:00 Bucky Killed Tony’s Parents
1:28 Red Skull on Vormir
1:58 The Vulture is Liz’s Dad
2:26 Cap is Worthy
2:52 Dad Bod Thor
3:25 Meet the Skrulls
4:05 Fake Mandarin
4:40 Killmonger's Heritage
5:01 Ego Killed Peter’s Mother
5:24 Thanos is Behind the NYC Invasion
5:42 Hail HYDRA
6:04 Loki is King of Asgard
6:29 Clint Has a Family
6:55 Zemo Can Dance
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Written by: Aiden M
Narrated by: Grant Kellett @Gtalkstoomuch
Edited by: MA
But some Marvel reveals have been more surprising than others. That’s why in this video we are going to take a look at 15 of the most shocking reveals to ever happen in the MCU. From the reveal that your first date is related to your primary villain, to the reveal that your best friend’s best friend murdered your parents, the return of a fan favorite character and the moment a top villain proved that they had killer dance moves.
What did you make of this video? Let us know down below and subscribe to the channel today!
0:00 Intro
0:29 I am Iron Man
1:00 Bucky Killed Tony’s Parents
1:28 Red Skull on Vormir
1:58 The Vulture is Liz’s Dad
2:26 Cap is Worthy
2:52 Dad Bod Thor
3:25 Meet the Skrulls
4:05 Fake Mandarin
4:40 Killmonger's Heritage
5:01 Ego Killed Peter’s Mother
5:24 Thanos is Behind the NYC Invasion
5:42 Hail HYDRA
6:04 Loki is King of Asgard
6:29 Clint Has a Family
6:55 Zemo Can Dance
Check out the Behind The Screen Podcast - By Screen Rant on Spotify!
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Written by: Aiden M
Narrated by: Grant Kellett @Gtalkstoomuch
Edited by: MA