A Conversation Hosted by Emma Watson at The New York Times Climate Hub

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Young climate leaders, including Greta Thunberg, Vanessa Nakate, Malala Yousafzai, Tori Tsui, Viviam Villafaña, Daphne Frias, Mya-Rose Craig, Dominique Palmer and Emma Watson, gathered from around the globe for a surprise session at The New York Times Climate Hub. In this session, guest hosted by Ms. Watson, the speakers discussed the need for collective, coalition-led leadership to accomplish the intersectional thinking that the climate challenge requires.

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Emma watson is truly one of a kind...
Thank you for bringing light to this situation. It doesn't matter that you worked hard enough to have the life you have, what matters is that you speak time and Time again about issues that we all struggle with and take action against them. You are my inspiration. THANK YOU.


Although on many occasions I do not agree politically with Emma Watson, I like her, it is nice to listen to someone who thinks differently from you in a calm way. She has a pretty nice way of speaking.


I can´t believe only 44, 000 people have seen this during 2021. I hope there will be more conversations like this. 💚💙🌍
It was very interesting. I loved the questions and answers they gave. Also, the inclusion and this kind of safe space are so appreciated.
As a Gryffindor, I´m very proud to see Emma helped organize and participate in these kind of events, while helping raise the voice of other people, so that we can live in a better world. ❤️️❤️️❤️️


So thankful to be able to access these powerful individuals spreading their knowledge and HOPE. More of us need to take up “bad activism” so that we can create those coalitions that will bring a bigger chance of change.


can we just shout out the translator, who was at the top of her game in a global setting. it was incredible.


Great discussion, thank you so much, love that "perfectionism is a distraction and putting far too much stress on our individual actions, there is only so much our individual choices can make and activism is the only real way to make a difference


As this video comes to an end and you scroll down to read the the comment section, I implore you not only to indulge in the feeling of being inspired, but also in the words they actually speak. As mentioned by some of the activists, these conferences can be seen and heard but often forgotten soon after. If you felt inspired by this, if you felt defended and your beliefs advocated by this, that is because they are speaking so that those of us with far less influence can also be heard and that is a truly honorable thing. If you didn't feel inspired that's ok, they are standing up for your human right to a comfortable and manageable climate as well. One thing we can all be sure of is that taking ACTION on these words together gives us all more hope and that hope will dismiss our fear of uncertainty as we make progress as a diverse and unified whole.


From one hand, I am like an activist really interested in it and from another perspective i like Emma. Consequently it is a double satisfaction


Really inspiring group up there. I enjoyed this a lot. Thank you.


cant believe i ever liked emma watson.


I am proud of the great young woman Emma has become. She has always been a lovely girl and the way she talks is beautiful.


I especially enjoy the idea of connecting an building coalitions between activist groups to rise more power to mobilize change. Thanks to you all for your inspiration! Let's get our work done - together ;)


You can't shout no at something and make it go away. Healing ourselves will heal the earth.


Thank you for uploading it. I've been waiting forever!!! Thank you, thank you!!!


...also for all those who want to pick Emma apart and talk about how hipporcritical you think she is based on whatever knowledge you have...well ask yourselves what are you doing? because its easy to be an armchair activist but what we really need are more people to get engaged and actually educate yourself and do something...talk is cheap


The panel seems to have South Asia representation in two ladies one from iIndia also would have been great


This was fascinating and thrilling to watch, I've learnt so much 😊
Also, 32:00 when the Spanish speaker (who's name I've forgotten sorry!) had a delay in her translation and Emma Watson laughed, I kept replaying that bit 🤣


In the way automobile industry publishes information and sets goals for the industry and getting governments to provide funding for clean energy initiatives and hopefully a event can start with an introduction to the data and its implications


So much hope when I see this, it's like the heart of humanity speaking for all of us and all of earths inhabitants 💚 enough is enough!


8:38 - Greta doesn't even answer Emma's question. I mean, we want governments to take action but then we complain when government is too big (eg. intrusive regulations and policies on individuals) because it interferes with our "freedom"
