Why have my ovulation tests been positive for 10 days in a row?

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You mentioned that you've been getting positive ovulation test results for 10 days now, and you're wondering why this is happening. And it sounds like you understand a little bit about how they work, and that this is abnormal. Ovulation tests are detecting a surge in LH hormone, which happens 36 hours before ovulation. So if a woman is testing anywhere from 12 to 36 hours before ovulation, she'll see positive results. And this is helpful for couples who have been trying to conceive for a few months and haven't had success, because maybe the woman is ovulating a little bit sooner or later than the norm, and this will help them to peg it down and time things just right so that the chances of pregnancy occurring are greater.

There are a couple of different reasons why a woman might see false positives. The simplest explanation is that the test is read outside of the manufacturer's guidelines. For example, most tests say that you should read the result within 5 to 10 minutes. And any result that you see after that cannot be relied upon, because if it sits there long enough, most tests will turn falsely positive. So if you look at it 5 to 10 minutes after you've taken the test, just throw it away after, because you might be tempted to go back and look at it, and you'll see that it's positive hours or days down the road, when, in fact, it's not. So read it within the amount of time specified by the manufacturer of the test, and be sure to follow instructions exactly. This is the simplest explanation for false positives.

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Please pray that we conceive soon been trying for a while now


She didn't even answer the question


If you recently miscarried, wait until you get a negative pregnancy test before you take an ovulation test. It takes a while for HCG levels to return to 0 after a miscarriage, and because the LH hormone (ovulation hormone) is so structurally similar to the HCG pregnancy hormone, it's very easy to get a false positive on your ovulation test if you still have detectable HCG in your system.


My period was over 2 days ago and I decided to take an ovulation test and it came out positive. 2 very dark lines. It popped up within 3mins of taking test. I also had 2 periods in one month.


Well she kind of answered my question. Here’s my experience/situation I was getting positive for almost 10 days but I did notice something off about it. The first day that I bought the test strip took longer to show up than the allowed time frame. I continuously tested again the next days after. I believe the next day of me testing, my strips started showing both lines quicker and for the next 3 days both lines plus my BBT temperature was going up on those days. I notice my BBT started going downwards and also the second line was taking a long time to show up again so my conclusion is that the times that I got higher BBTs and quicker lines I must have been at my highest with the tests and the times it took a long time to show up both lines might be false lines.


I’ve been positive for 8 days and it’s a digital test 😩


I had positive ovulation test and that night we tried but now I am having period . 🥺


I have gone to the dr and my urine is negative, they decline a blood test until I have a positive urine. but I am having positive opk for 4 weeks now. I am 7+3 from my last cycle. I am having symptoms and POSITIVE home pregnancy tests along with opk. I'm so lost. can't afford the Dr for further exams yet.


i have seen pregnant women take an opk and it comes up positive. It happened to me after my trigger shot for IUI and it when away as my hcg test got lighter and lighter. It seems like every video this chick does she has a negative attitude about being pregnant to kill your hopes. I wish her videos would stop posting in my feeds, she is negative and annoying.


He answers always like my fertility doctor which I stopped seeing because his into politic a lot.


I am using a digital reader and it has been 9 days positive with no peak.


On may 31st i had a miscarriage and a couple days later i took a ovulation test. I saw 2 lines. Days later i took another and the 2nd line was slow but showed up. I randomly take a ovulation test and still shows the 2 lines. idk what it could be? I did take a pregnancy test today and negative


51 days since last cycle hpt all negative even today... day 51


I’m using clear blue digital advance and I’m nearly a week off my ovulation and it still has a flashing a smiley (High) so it’s picking up on estrogen but no peak.. if I missed ovulation can these tests still pick up on your estrogen levels?


Why have I got a postive ovulation test for 2 weeks but negative pregnacy test


Hi today is my 34th cycle day but my ovulation test is positive since 3 days and i have not period yet.not this month but on December i track my ovulation cycle and it was on 15th cycle day .Since I have regular period of 30/31 cycle day I wonder if I am pregnant .soo scared to test


My opks was positive 4 days after my period dark lines for both


Hello there . Okay so im really confused right now . So I had sex with my boyfriend on December 5 & 6 . He did not came inside of me . But we had unprotected sex . I started to feel a bit weird so I took one ovulation test and it came out positive. After that I took serveral of the ovulation tests and all became positive . On December 18 we did it again but this time he came inside of me . The next day I had my period . But is it my period ? Or is it just spotting ? It only lasted for 6 days and it stop bleeding . I took another ovulation test and it was positive again . Should I start taking a pregnancy test ? Help please !


Mines been positive since august 15th 🥲 it’s currently August 23rd been bd for over 2 weeks
