Climate change report in 60 seconds - BBC News

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There is overwhelming evidence that humans are experiencing the effects of climate change, says a new report. Unless serious action is taken, this is likely to get worse, with growing risks of floods, food shortages, and threats to human health, warns the United Nation's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), BBC News outlines the report's key points - in 60 seconds.

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Why do baseless, nameless critics get the last word? Report the science, damn you.


It’s undeniable that we humans are the cause of climate change and we humans only can lessen it. On the one hand, we can see clearly how the pollution caused by cutting trees, having more factories and a growing number of cars. Those people’s behaviour has negative impacts on the environment and changing climate is only one of those effects, which means summer is hotter and winter is colder. On the other hand, there are several actions can be taken to mitigate the burning issue, such as: recycling waste, using alternative sources of energy and saving as much as we can.


I wonder what happened to the people who thought this was propoganda. Look at today.


Could you do a segment on waxworms? I am so enthralled to be talking to you right now. As I am sure you know the world is in great peril and I was wondering if you wanted to be part of the solution.
The enzyme comes from a bacteria, Ideonella sakaiensis 201-F6, which was discovered in 2016 by Japanese researchers, who subsequently found that it could completely break down a thin layer of low-quality plastic within six weeks. Structural biologist John McGeehan and his team have now taken that enzyme and genetically engineered it so that it can begin the process in a matter of days. That kind of discovery is cause for excitement: It takes centuries for polyester, scientifically known as polyethylene terephthalate or PET, to degrade naturally.
Waxworms- The secret was in the worms’ ability to break down beeswax, which contains some of the same chemical bonds found in polyethylene. Since then, researchers have been working to harness the enzymes found in their digestive system in hopes that it can degrade the millions of tons of plastic in our landfills and oceans. Exactly how remains hazy, though one idea that’s been floated is to spray the piles of trash in the ocean with the bacteria or the enzyme, and let them do their work.


Lol we are all thinking of future terraform tech being used in mars at this rate it will be used on earth 🌍 just to make it livable


BBC propaganda at its best.
Just think - you are paying for this shyte.


With so many major catastrophic extreme weather events happening around our planet on an almost daily frequency, the financial implications are becoming far more serious. In many areas, insurance companies are either refusing to provide cover or increasing premiums beyond anyone’s ability to pay. Many new restrictions in cover are being introduced and many insurance companies face bankruptcy following the escalating surge in claims. As a result, without sufficient or any cover at all, individuals and companies face financial ruin and where government agencies used to assist those who suffered losses, the escalation in losses can no longer be compensated by those agencies as there is just not enough income to compensate the escalating costs.

The increase in climate related damage through, droughts, floods, storms and fires affect so many aspects of life on our fragile planet. Last year, 2017, more homes, businesses, jobs, homelessness and economies have been affected, than any previous year. The economic cost is far beyond the ability for insurance and governments to provide compensation. Even more worrying, this year more than any previous year, vast areas of crop land have been decimated, reducing this years world food output dramatically at a time when the planet is already under severe stress to provide sufficient food for the planets burgeoning human population.


I love the BBC but sadly I must agree with ukpropaganda.


What is the science behind the pole shift?

Climate change.
One cause for the escalation of extreme weather events is simple...less trees in the tropics each year....less to absorb the suns radiation = tropical warming (NOT GLOBAL WARMING!). Higher temperature around the tropics = more moisture evaporated from the oceans producing much warmer denser and increased cloud production (hence more flooding in tropics where tree cover is more and denser ‘tropical rainforest clouds’ carrying more moisture escape the tropics as intense heat on cleared land creates lift to allow these clouds to escape the tropics on trade winds...hence cooling effect away from the tropics as cloud cover increases and increased rain and snow fall away from the tropics, whilst extra cloud cover also traps the extra heat travelling up from the trees in the tropics each year = less biomass to sequester the CO2’....As the ocean warms, the warmer seas travel north to the Arctic and south to the warmer air from the tropics travels north and south.... air is warmer in the Arctic and in the Antarctic....simples!’ The warmer air and seas distorts the position of the jet stream pushing it north towards west Canada and north towards the UK but there is a counteractive force pushing the jet stream south at these points as a result of the increase in cloud cover escaping the Tropics which cools some areas of the ocean through reduced radiation from the sun.
