Reversed Apple Pie

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To make this awesome Apple Pie you will need:

1. Apples - in this case we used 6;
2. Biscuits of your choice - 100gr;
3. Cinnamon - 1 tbsp;
4. Sugar - 3 tbsp;

How to :

Step 1
Remove the cores from apples and separate the seeds;

Step 2
Sprinkle cinnamon on the cores, add sugar and mix;

Step 3
Crush the biscuits;

Step 4
Add cinnamon/sugar apple cores to your crushed biscuits and mix once more;

Step 5
Stuff apples with the apple/biscuit mix;

Step 6
Wrap apples with foil;

Step 7
Cook in the oven for 35-40 minutes at 365 degrees F (180C)

Step 8
Add some ice cream of your choice and ENJOY!!!

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