7 Anti-Christian Habits You Should Stop Now!

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1. Identifying and removing pride
2. Neglecting spiritual disciplines
3. Rampant consumerism
4. Indifference to others
5. Promotion of skepticism as a virtue
6. Lack of forgiveness
7. Resistance to change


To many people come to Chr ist thinking all their problems are all going to “melt” away. The truth is the moment you become a Christian, you have a target of your back and the devil will attempt to make your life miserable. The good news is, if you are committed to getting the Word into your heart as a lifestyle and living it out. You will realize the devil is a DEFEATED foe and can only distract the plan God has for your life. But NEVER stop it.


It helps me to remember "I am NOT Special" as the World tells me, but I am "Fearfully and Wonderfully Made".
The difference?
Being "special" is defined by what I think, and by what others think of me.
Being "Fearfully and Wonderfully made" depends on what my maker made me to be.
I will only know what that is as I grow closer to the one who made me.


Thank You for Not Playing Background Music. Also Thank You for Sharing.


Humility is the rich soil into which God plants every other grace within us.


This hit me like a flaming arrow! I woke up feeling oppressed and dissatisfied. I didn’t just come across your video, it was God ordained.
I don’t believe in coincidences, and coming across this video was not a coincidence. I am deeply grateful for your faithfulness to post this biblical lesson.


Everyone should read the Biblical book of Proverbs and make it part of one’s life!


Jesus said that He did what He saw His father do or was asked to do. He got down. On His knees and washed the disciples feet. Then, silently went to pray and accept the will of the Father to die for us all. That pretty much says it all.


You have to stand up for what you believe is right, being humble does not mean you let everybody tell you what to do.


My neighbor was an Orthodox Jew from NY with a long grown family. One time his son in law spent a half hour telling me about how sweet and decent his father in law was...in business and as family. I've never known a man to do that. It told me more about him than my neighbor.


What a fantastic, yet simple video. Too many times we can get distracted by all of the other "add-ons" that come with video production. This was very impactful.


Have read Mere Christianity a few times now. Although it is NOT the Gospel, ( Lewis even says this) it does have some insightful advice of what you need to do as a Christian, and what Christians believe. I reccommend the book very strongly for anyone who is a Christian, and anyone who has just begun their adventure walking with Jesus.


I am a Christian, and have been since December of 2002. My walk has been slow but sure. I am currently struggling with my pride, and witness other Christian’s struggling with it as well. This video was very helpful in explaining the intricacies of the sin of pride. Thank you.


The book of Ephesians is a great book to tell us as Christians should conduct our lives. We always fall short in our daily walk on our freshly state. But, one good thing for Christians is that our Lord is right there to ask for forgiveness if we come up short. Pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ.


16:24; forgiveness is the kicker for me. On good days, all those who went for the kill on parts of me are forgiven... on bad ones, it all comes flooding back.


#6 is especially hard!! In my life I've had people attack me all of the time from my childhood, to housemates, to a fake pastor who went as far as demanding that my husband divorce me. When there's no attacking, it's avoiding me like a plague. It's VERY hard to forgive, but I try. Many times, I'm not socially correct and that seems to be the god of this age. :( I try to go before my Lord every day and it's hard to forgive, but I try. I was able to pray for my mother's salvation and even though my dad did not attack me, he was still very wicked, but I was able to pray that he receive Christ before he died.


A very deep lesson in forgiveness and resentment towards some people who wronged me... Today I chose to free my mind and spirit in this area.. Thank you for this beautiful message, in Jesus mighty name Amen 🙏


For me it helps to try to do something instead of trying not to do something - so I revised this list as follows:
1. Cultivate humility
2 Engage in spiritual disciplines of prayer, scripture reading and meditation
3. Be content with what you have
4. Care about others
5. Forgive others and yourself
6. Be willing to change


I'm glad there's no distracting background music. These are good topics to meditate on.


I'm the same way as Lewis. Christianity makes logical sense.
