What are incompleteness theorems? #shorts

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This just sounds like more of that don't look for it and you we'll never make it past the problem just accept the problem as it's there


I can believe that there are physical limitations to understanding our reality but to use pure mathematical logic such as the incompleteness theorem to decide the fate of our understanding of gravity feels like a cop out and a self-defeating attitude...I have faith in science. think about humanity just a few hundred years ago compared to now.


Exactly!! Incompleteness theorems are features of math, not “problems” with it. All sets of axiomatic truths will have blind spots. I think people freak out about this when they assume that existence itself is structured like axioms are, instead of just letting axioms work as a tool that serve particular purposes—like a language does.

And at any rate, the universe doesn’t give to sh*ts if our maps of it cohere to each other or not; maps fit the aspects of the territory they’re trying to describe, and it would be a mistake to assume that different types of maps should be able to graft onto *each other* just because, say, the area they’re gesturing at is the same. The two maps might as well be different “genres”; there’s no need to unify them.


Unless it was infinite ♾️ you forgot that part.


Gödel’s Incompletenss Theorems have nothing to do with whether or not it is possible to unify relativity with quantum mechanics. This is yet another huge overinterpretation of the theorems the internet is crawling with.


There are already many theories of everything; with what Wolfram demonstrated with quantum autonomas seems to suggest that there could be an infinite number of theoretical TOE's. Which one is correct requires clever experimentation.


Does anybody actually listen to this woman or is she just paid actor?
