Standartplast PLANT

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Standartplast - this is 5 plants + Acoustic Research laboratory!!!
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Why do we need soundproofing?
The qualitative noise isolation in the modern car is a guarantee and comfort during each trip. For this reason many motorists for the purpose of disposal of high noise level at the movement of the car which is quite often causing a strong headache get today the qualitative and reliable materials used in the course of the works connected with a soundproofing in the car.
The working engine, as a rule, acts as the main source of noise; from it sound waves which after passing through details of a motor compartment are all the same capable to cause strong vibrations of a surface arrive. The most clearly this effect can be noticed on a floor, doors and a roof the car. Therefore the soundproofing allows lowering significantly noise level in each domestic or foreign car. As the main materials, which can be used for work, it is necessary to select only those that have the ability to muffle noises and squeaks, rattles occur during various metallic surfaces of the car body. In order to completely soundproof the vehicle, will be sufficient to use only a few types of materials, reducing the figure by at least 80%. In addition, many car owners often use "anti-scratch" that can deliver the car even with barely audible extraneous sounds.
Besides each car owner can choose one of two available types of no soundproofing today – partial or capital, each of which is urged to carry out strictly certain tasks. However anyway before carrying out this range of works, it is necessary to establish the main sources of noise, first of all. So, for example, if it is about partial noise isolation, then the special attention should be paid to walls and a floor of a motor compartment. And here, if there is a wish to achieve the maximum result from the carried-out work, then it is necessary to pay attention also to car doors as they are capable to pass the greatest number of noise.
We focus on quality vibration and soundproofing services as well as heat solution for cars. CarComfortShop consists of professional mechanics that has experience in installation of soundproofing and car window films. We guaranty high quality work and good results. Our workshop use only STANDARTPLAST materials which can provide the best vibration absorption and sound insulation.

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