The Heat: China – U.S. trade

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The United States calls for a “new course” on China-U.S. trade relations with talks between both sides expected to resume soon.

For more, tonight’s panel includes Einar Tangen, political and economic affairs commentator; Jeff Moon, former Assistant U.S. Trade Representative for China and president of China Moon Strategies; Yan Liang, an economics professor at Willamette University and Bhu Srinivasan, a historian and author of “Americana: A 400-Year History of American Capitalism.”
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Don't you think people deserve food and shelter? The American people are living in tents and cars. Wasting money on endless wars and jaunts in space is ridiculously disgusting.


In order to get good trade deals you have to walk the talk. Not hold someone imprison, trying to start a war, speak human rights when you have none. Put in good deeds to received good deeds. Remember the world doesn’t revolve around you. Everyone revolve around the world.


US had been restricting high value high tech export and yet expect to prosper. What rule base they expect others to follow are just Anglo Saxon rules of white master and others as slave. So behind times, it's becoming more difficult to communicate with ancient language of inch mile gallon fahrenheit of these species.


The US representaive's speech on trading policy and accusation on China are confused. She is saying it's your fault because my tariff trading policy doesn't work. She is also forcing the competitor to change their domestic trade policy.


As long as the US approaches theses issue as zero sum game, there will be no resolution. This approach has been working for the US for the last 50 years with developing and poor countries but China is neither. In the end US will have to deal with China as an equal.


China has force majuere clause in the trade agreement. In any case, when has USA live up to its agreement.


Never negotiate with someone who doesn't abide by any agreement. China should not agree to anything until US stops the provocations, intimidations, interferences, sanctions and smearing.


The US Trade Rep. Is not being fair to say China not following works rules, which basically is WTO rules. But US is the one that started the tariffs without going to WTO process, and arbitrarily use 301 to cause trade tension unnecessary.


The Chinese government should reevaluate it's nuclear use policy to something that mirrors America nuclear use policy. The current nuclear use policy which is retaliatory and defensive in nature makes china weak. Chinese government needs to think twice about it's current nuclear use policy.


Team Trump wanted to decouple US China trade. why the trade talk? 😁😁


It all goes to demonstrate the the US always choose to point out areas favourable to them but not the other way.


The US seems to ignore that the 1st agreement supposed to put a stop on China for any future actions but US continued to set new restrictions on Huawei and other Chinese companies. So, if US failed to adhere to thus part of this condition, it shld be understandable if China did not continue to buy more goods.


Like US abolished the NAFTA and negotiate a new trade deal that is more in favor of the US, China should do the same.


Simple mathemagic. American high salary and cannot compete on productivity. Ms Tai is just the electronic speakers. Not its content maker.


Follow the new money. For the two bills now in Congress, the $1.2 trillion bill has only $.4 trillion of new money, and the $3.5 trillion bill is about to be butchered down to $1 trillion. On the other hand, quantitative easing has free money and new money going to the rich and their banks by the trillions and trillions.


The problem with the US is that its trade policy is steered by lawyers and security and geopolitical "experts", who know nothing about economics. In fact, the trade war was launched because Trump and his quack economic adviser, Peter Navarro, didn't know that trade involved exchange. They thought the US' US$500 billion annual trade deficit with China was a charitable donation by the US to China. The 2 men couldn't figure out that for the money, China had to send the US the equivalent of US$500 billion in goods. There was no charity, only exchange.

Trump's chief trade negotiator was a lawyer who didn't know anything about economics
He demanded China commit to buying US$200 billion worth of goods. The figure had nothing to do with economics. It was simply plucked from the air and thrown onto the table.

Now, Biden also sends a lawyer as chief trade negotiator. Her speech was all about getting tough with China, and grabbimg as much as possible. The speech had nothing whatsoever to do with economics. We can safely say that she too does not know anything about economics. Her approach will be the same old smash and grab tactic, the only tactic the US knows.

The US media have praised Katherine Tai as their toughest negotiator. So we can kiss a successful talk goodbye. Looks like Tai will argue over every dollar, comma and fullstop.

The Americsns cannot get it into their head that what they need is not a tough talker. What they need is a negotiator who knows something about economics. But I suppose if you don't know what's going on, just act tough.


Wonder the US allies fill shameful for being such a bully against one country.


Well..I don't know Where and How the 🇺🇸.gov get the Funding 4 all these "hypothetically daydreaming" proposals..But, one thing 4 sure is 🇺🇸.gov DEFINITELY FUNNYMEN🤣 4 Plentiful🏆🏆🏆on Global Comedy's Stages of ❌ over Respect of Others Nation's Sovereignty and Walking All Over the 🔴 lines instead of 🔴 carpet's..😂😅😆..


The economic hardship, recession, unemployment and the loss of job caused by covid pandemic is enough to push people into financial ventures .


The US shouldn't read the agreement with China in a myopic manner but rather they should think of the long term benefits in establishing good relationship with the most populous country in the world.
