Estimating Difference in Differences (The Effect, Videos on Causality, Ep 53)

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The Effect is a book about research design and causal inference. How can we use data to learn about the world? How can we answer questions about whether X causes Y even if we can't run a randomized experiment? The book covers these things and plenty more. These videos are meant to accompany the book, although they can also be viewed on their own.

This video relates to material found in Chapter 18 of the book.

Alright, so we've got the concept behind difference-in-differences down. But how can we actually estimate an effect using this design? This video goes through a few different ways.
Рекомендации по теме

Hi, can you please explain Difference-in-Discontinuities (DiDC)


Hey! I really enjoy your videos, keep going! As a political scientists, however, I lack some understanding in econometrics and just discover the subject area. Could you say something about using DiD with a non-linear model? In my case, I use survey data and my dependent variable is on an ordinal scale. Would that at all be possible to implement given the case that the parallel trends assumption is supported?
