How to use Nominativ, Akkusativ & Dativ | Let's analyze a German text together!

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Let's analyze TOGETHER a German text in detail so you can understand the German grammar better.

I will take a day in my life and explain you word by word my diary. What is the subject, the verb and objects AND what CASES you need to use for each and WHY. This is an exercise I use already very successfully for many years with my students and in this video I want to share with you this technique, so you can replicate the exact same thing with any text of any level at home and understand the German grammar better.

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Time Stamps:

0:00 How this video will help you
1:43 Text analysis 1st paragraph
12:30 Text analysis 2nd paragraph
17:54 Text analysis 3rd paragraph
22:48 Bonus Tipp

Viel Spaß und bis bald


Related Content:

1️⃣ All A1 German Prepositions:

2️⃣ Personal Pronouns in Nominative Case:

3️⃣ German sentence structure:

4️⃣ German time prepositions:

5️⃣ Akkusativ oder Dativ?

6️⃣ How to learn German! Tips & Tricks:

7️⃣ German listening Comprehension:


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Vielen herzlichen Dank!
Luzi & Johannes
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Please let us know if this kind of video was helpful and if you would like to see more like this. Maybe specifically for sentence structure for example. Or do you have any other suggestions? 😊👇


It’s the teacher that makes the difference, not the classroom.
Muchas gracias !


I have been learning German for quite some time now but honestly whenever I have any problem concerning grammar I always turn to your videos. So helpful! Always making the concepts crystal clear. Vielen dank für Ihren Zeit!


You are probably the best German teacher ever 😊


Thank you, Luzi! I understand German with you more than with other people


Been learning German for a couple of weeks now here in Germany. And because in my class there are so many people that don't speak English, she mostly explains everything in German. So my head is usually spinning after class. So I come home running to your videos to help me clarify what I didn't understand. I love the simple, detailed and REPETITIVE language you use. No matter how many times I hear which verb requires accusative or dative, every time I hear it, it's like a new AHA moment over again. So thank you! It's been really really helpful! You have a fan here!


You are my go-to German teacher in YouTube.. Vielen Dank!


This is amazing, thank you so much! Please make more of these analysis if you can 🙂


I have tried to learn German for a couple of months now, and your videos are the closest thing to a personal professor I can get, and I'd like to thank you for how easy and confortable you guys have made this videos that r help to learn this beautiful language


You’re the best German teacher I’ve seen so far….. I have learnt more from you in just two weeks that I found this channel than I’ve learnt since past 3 months I started learning German….keep up the good work sir!👍🇳🇬


Your way of explaining things makes it so much easier to understand. Thank you for these videos. 😊


Thank-you so much
We need more videos like this.
You are the real teacher.


You never disappoint me, another amazing lesson! Please do more text analysis 🎉


My daughter who is doing B1 German gave me this link. I was about to give up but you have made all the difference. Thanks a million.


Thank you so much Luzi for this Video. Very informative and clarifying. For eg any time I see mit, nach Hause or an der, I will know it is dative. You don't know how much that means to me. Viele dank!!! Much appreciated.

I would like to see more of this please, when you have the time, as it is longer than most of your videos I have seen. You must have put in a lot of time. Really appreciate it. God bless you both!


I've lost all hope to learn German for the last 10 years until I saw these awesome videos clearly showing the differences between Akk and Dat. This is not how they teach you German in Poland. Here, they make associations to Polish language which was not working for me. Thank you tons!


du bist die beste Lehrer 👍 vielen Dank


omg this video raised my confidence i understood akkusativ und dative clearly...thank u very much


Yes, please, it is very helpful. And Sentence Structure as well. Thank you


So easy to understand . Thank you Luzi.
