Freehand Chainsaw Milling

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Nice job. You should consider a couple of things for saw performance. I almost always carry wedges in my pockets, varying thicknesses and angles just to help rid of shavings and clogging the bar track. Also make sure to run your saw "dry" for 30 seconds or so when you've finished. SInce the saw has been running at long intervals, things get a little hotter than normal. Also (if properly lubed) the bar will cool down while its getting fresh lube without all the friction and dust. Keep doing the updates!


Still using my mill, 4 screws into a ladder is all it takes me to set up. Don't have to worry about watching a level or anything - I have a huge amount of respect for the skill required to freehand usable boards that way though!


Great alternitive for all landowners. Thanks for the lesson. Im going to buy three levels. One for each saw!!👍


Great work! I have a lot of logs I want to slab, and you have given me the confidence. Thank you for sharing!


Nice, tip: I leave like an inch or so without cutting the log all the way through so won’t move as much, I also level slightly the bar in my first cut, it helps withe the straight line, if you end up with a rough board you can finish it with a planer. Grate work, nice vid!


Debark your log and use a chalk line. If it's green wood, it will stick and not blow away. You may want to spritz the wood before chalking if it's aged. This method works really well if you have an electric saw...


I have never seen a level mounted on chainsaw, never thought of it, ill definitely try this out. Thanks heaps!


To the ones discrediting this guys attempt: where’s your video of freehand milling?
I appreciate the efforts. Let me add, you can purchase a ripping chain for this process(smoother finish but not neccessary). And don’t forget to keep your chain sharp if attempting. I recommend giving it a once over after every one or two board cuts.


Try using a green laser used for vertical surfaces that projects a plane surface. Make sure the laser also projects onto the saw's bar. Angle the saw's bar just as you do, and watch the laser's beam on the top of your bar as you move down the log. The beam should project into the kerf so you can easily keep the bar on the desired plane of cut. Should work as well or better - no nails, no string.


Am very impressed with the skill You have developed in cutting planks with Your chainsaw without any jig! Absolutely Amazing! You've inspired Me to do the same. Started operating a chainsaw at 9 years of age....that's over 50 years ago!


I think I'd rather learn this technique than spending money and time on devices. Your method looks very learnable. I'll start practicing on firewood. Thanks for the video.


I would have cut that string on my first attempt. Great video.


You my friend are a genius. I am off to the hardware store to buy a bubble level and start cutting some trees. Crazy simple! Great video!


Advoko makes out of Russia does it really clean as well. Never seen him use a string though. Just the natural swing of your arm. Im sure his leg placement played a part as well. Cool vid though thank you for posting.


I have done this, hot glued a level on a chain saw. I had to cut from two sides as the bar did not reach through. Got chain marks on the boards but after finishing them with a wood cutting disc in an angle grinder they were good enough for a rustic garden table.


Even if there are some "marks" (or noodles as you seem to call this), it's possible and kind of compulsory anyway to sand it to make a nice finish! I intend to use this method to make shelves, have been wanting to do it for a long time, this looks like a pretty "easy" method!


Is the chain sharpened at a 10° angle? I've heard others say that's best for cutting through a log length wise.


Hmm, interesting. One variation I saw that made a lot of sense was the guy lined up a laser that is used for plumb and level. He used the plumb line to make his cuts. Your method appears to be much flatter than his boards. Maybe a combination of the two. Me, I mostly make bowls so I do need good straight lines. I have found out that if I rock the saw, then I get way more bumps and humps.


How's the tip of your bar holding up due to the heavy use it goes through? I would think you have the oil feed turned up as well


I'm confused. If the string is the guide, and the cut is going to follow straight down from there, what role does the level play? You're locked into your path based on the string.
