Disney is Rebooting EVERYTHING! Flight of the Navigator is Next?!

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Disney is rebooting Flight of the Navigator... but with a female lead. Of course they are. It's 2021 and Hollywood is completely out of ideas.

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#Disney #Hollywood #DisneyPlus #FlightoftheNavigator
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Flight of the Navigator was such a good movie and doesn't need a reboot. It still holds up to this day.


Disney: What does everyone want to see next in a movie?
Everyone: Something original and not a token, gender swapped reboot?
Disney: We hear you! That is why we're rebooting Flight of the Navigator with a female lead!

They'd get better results talking all of that money and lighting it on fire.


The so called kingdom of imagination has none. Disney lost the magic years ago. Where is Walt when you need him.


Everything MUST fit today's dated ideology. So that future generations will know what killed Disney.


Razorfist made a video a month or two back. He is a movie buff. He mentions on how the superhero films overall MCU is done and its decline is now happening and in between the next FAD there will be nothing but reboots until something catches on. His argument is very supported with the noir films, spaghetti westerns, 90s action flicks it is all cyclical.


Walt Disney: I don’t like to repeat successes.
Disney today: Let’s repeat all our successes, but with more tokenism, I mean, diversity!


Even before I clicked: "It's going to be a girl."

I'd like to be wrong, just once recently.


Recipe for other Bizney disaster:

- Find a good movie, or IP to ruin by rebooting or remake it.
- Pour on the new plot a lot of progesterone.
- Cast activists on everything.
- Add a bit of shading color.
- Remove straight white men, or turn them into ruthless villains, weak idiots, or both. Also, make them always defeated by the opposite sex which is 60 pounds less, and a feet shorter.
- Power the main female character with nitro.
- Remove red heads, and pretty girls (unless are lesbians).
- Add a bit of alphabet soup.
- Overutilize CGI to covers a bad plot and acting.
- Release production
- Bribe Rotten Tomatoes critics to get high score on their reviews.
- Wait for the movie to fail.
- Loose money.
- Blame the moviegoers for everything
- Repeat.


she is a typical exemple of Hollywood's nepotism. average actress and director, she's nonetheless one of their royalty and being Ron Howard's spawn grants her undeserved opportunities.


They’re rebooting everything because they are creatively bankrupt and lazy, same goes for most modern entertainment with the rare exception of something new that’s actually enjoyable.


No No NO!
FOTN is one of my favorite films ever. Disney doesn't even like it enough
to keep the actual ship around. They took it and mutilated it's body for
some food stand. I am pissed about this. This really sets me off. I am about
to flip this desk right now. MoFos at Disney can't leave it alone or even at least
make it right. I am really pissed.


An 80's Disney movie being re-booted with a female lead instead of the original male one. I will state I am shocked they would do this. It's just shocking.


I grew up with this movie and that adventure was great for an imagination of a child living in a pre-internet/smartphone age. Making it into a CGIfest isn't going to recapture the magic but if it's not a CGIfest then it will be boring for most kids today. Hollywood is so creatively bankrupted its funny sad.


The Flight of the Navigator was my sh!t. I played it for my friends at my 10th birthday party.


Flight of the Navigator is right there with Explorers as weird, mind-expanding movies of my childhood. The Last Starfighter being another one.


They’re trying to prevent the loss of IP for not having used it, and they can’t come up with anything on their own


1-2 years ago, I’d be annoyed at this announcement. But in 2021–I’ve now become completely desensitized to this kinda shiit…I feel like nothing but a numb husk of an adult, totally devoid of childhood nostalgia…thanks Disney.🖕 lol.


How do you know a company is intellectually bankrupt? When they reboot an IP so far down the D-list that the current generation didn't even know it existed.


How much money does Disney even have left? With less people buying their stuff or going to their movies and rides, they have to have less than 50 billion now at this point.


There's some films that are shown regularly on TV since their release in the 80s, and others that you never see. DARYL, Flight of the Navigator, Tron, War Games, The Last Starfighter, are all films that people forget about simply because the TV networks have kept them out of sight, out of mind. Others like Back to the Future and Ghostbusters become legendary because of their constant repeats.
