Idaho State Police Harassment of Ron Paul Supporter

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Supreme court ruling from 1979.

"Except where there is at least articulable and reasonable suspicion that a motorist is unlicensed or that an automobile is not registered, or that either the vehicle or an occupant is otherwise subject to seizure for violation of law, stopping an automobile and detaining the driver in order to check his driver's license and the registration of the automobile are unreasonable under the Fourth Amendment."

Idaho State Police Harassment of Ron Paul Supporter

I was driving on Interstate 84 through Boise when I heard a very loud noise coming from my car. I pulled off at the next available exit and noticed an Idaho State Police vehicle which already had somebody pulled over. I didn't want to not to interfere or be too close to the police, so I stopped on the off ramp about 1000 feet behind them.

At that time I proceeded to find a few tools, pop the hood of my car, and make a quick roadside repair.

By the time I had finished and was getting back in my car, sure enough, the State Troopers had turned their car around, drove the wrong direction down the off ramp, and pulled in behind me with their lights on. Here come the police to harass me! At first they acted like they were just concerned for my safety and asked if everything was OK. I told them it was, but then they wanted to know where I was going and what I was doing when I got there. I didn't want to be a jerk, so I simply told them it was for business. That was when they asked for my ID and I told them no.

Normally, when you are driving, and stopped by the police, you must give them your ID. Police can't stop you, while you are driving, and just ask for your ID. That's police harassment! They need to have a reason. These Idaho State Troopers had no reason! I told them that over and over. Police harassment at it's finest.

We argued back and forth for a couple of minutes and then the State Trooper in charge threatened me with going to jail. It wasn't so much the threat of jail or police harassment that made me comply; It was more that I just didn't have the time to spend a day in jail as I was on my way to a business appointment.


Whoever, under color of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom, willfully subjects any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States, ... shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both; and if bodily injury results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include the use, attempted use, or threatened use of a dangerous weapon, explosives, or fire, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnaping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death.

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Thank you to everyone who has supported me on this and to those who fight for liberty!


Just finish the video. Wow, that officer is truly corrupted and he is teaching his corruption to the new officer too. You Idahoans need to put that officer in his place.


When I was working the road, if I stopped to assist a motorist who's vehicle was disabled, I couldn't demand they identify themselves. If the person wanted to drive off, provided they had not broken any laws, I had to let them go. This man was seized by the police. He was not free to go. His rights under the Constitution were violated.


I was recently told by an officer of Fairfield Ohio, Officer Conklin, "I've written hundreds of tickets this way and I've never had a problem before, don't argue with me!"  I got a ticket for failure to yield to a car that had a red light and had a witness to this event.  I'm surprised he didn't write me a speeding ticket also since he has no doubt written hundreds of those types of tickets also.

Screw these Police Officers that think they can make things up.


Classic doublespeak. "We're not detaining you"...buuut "you're not free to go until we identify you." 


That cop needs to be held accountable for his blatant violation of the man's civil rights!!!


The state trooper clearly is uneducated on the law and at the same time, not willing to follow his oath. The officer clearly violated the supreme court ruling of Delaware v. Prouse


That guy has made a career of violating rights. Count on it.


I knew someone who graded police exams and said they consistently scored much lower than any other state employee


All I can say is file a formal complaint, demand copies of their reports, and then file a federal lawsuit!


Wow senior cop teaching other cops how to violate our rights!!!


Wow, I've seen 100s and 100s of police encounters, but never one from a cop in training in their car. Well done, whoever got this video. It literally proves how things will never change with them. Did he fail to mention they need a reasonable suspicion to I.D. by mistake? Oh, hell, no. He purposely did that. I fear the public will continue to have their rights violated for decades to come.


it's nice to know their version of serving and protecting is collecting information unwarranted and with out probable cause instead of helping this guy fix his car.  


That old cop is befuttled in the car. "He's in the process of taking a video". Sounds like criminal and civil proceedings.


You held yourself well here man. As American citizens we have the right to travel unimpeded without having to identify ourselves. American citizens are only required to identify themselves when a law or traffic violation has occurred. I'm interested in the outcome if you did file a complaint. Also, "are you detaining me?" "No" "am I free to go?" "No"


"When you stop a vehicle..." His own fucking words. They NEVER stopped this vehicle! They simply came up to him and illegally asked for identification. FTP!


It is amazing how few law enforcement officers actually know the law, yet are obligated to enforce it.


At 10:13 in the video the officer says when you stop someone you have the right to identify the person, well they didn't stop this driver. Is it safe to say that the officer was lying?


Although the cop was dead wrong on having the "right to identify him", but I think the only reason he noted your bumper sticker is that he was with someone who was green, and he wanted to make sure she has a habit of checking bumper stickers. I'm sure the reason he was harassing you ironically was to try and be a good big impressive teacher to her.


It's the request for ID that I'm not sure about. I've always been under the impression that you have to present valid ID to a police officer whenever it's requested, regardless of whether or not you're being accused of a crime.
