Meet your CFADSC 14-15

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Meet your CFAD Student Council Executive Board for AY 2014-2015
President: Carlo Martin "Aria" Dequina
External Vice President: Stephanie Arielle de Guzman
Internal Vice President: Hanri Joshua Perez
Secretary: Jonathan Louis "Johnny" Gabriel
Treasurer: Mikel Villamora
Audior: Jamielyn Paula "Jem" Tiu
P.R.O.: Justin Miguel "JCo" Co
Chief of Staff: Jan Renz Laboriante
President: Carlo Martin "Aria" Dequina
External Vice President: Stephanie Arielle de Guzman
Internal Vice President: Hanri Joshua Perez
Secretary: Jonathan Louis "Johnny" Gabriel
Treasurer: Mikel Villamora
Audior: Jamielyn Paula "Jem" Tiu
P.R.O.: Justin Miguel "JCo" Co
Chief of Staff: Jan Renz Laboriante