Sound of SELF HEALING | Experiencing Somatic Breathwork

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🧘‍♀️FREE 5 DAY Breathwork Experience

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Most humans are quite familiar with feeling overwhelmed emotionally. With the growing demands of modern life in addition to personal challenges we all face, finding positive coping mechanisms that can foster self healing remains an omnipresent objective for humans around the world. Sadly, the first way many humans learn to cope with stress, grief, anger or even happiness can come by way of numbing themselves through medication, drugs, alcohol or other destructive practices that initiate trauma responses in the nervous system that ultimately cause a negative experience with the world around them.

There are many healthier alternatives to the negative coping mechanisms most humans utilize when processing their emotions, which any human familiar with experiencing somatic release can attest to. Somatic, meaning of the body, describes practices where humans are less mentally fixated, instead allowing the ancient intelligence of their nervous system full access to the range of emotions they may have suppressed for the majority of their life.

Not just a great meditation, Somatic breathwork provides a gateway to allowing the nervous system to process suppressed emotions, often resulting in a healing experience grounded in community, going well beyond the confines of talk therapy or self help. Because we are traumatized in relation, our self healing journey often best begins within the safe container of a community intent on the self development of these somatic practices becoming permanent positive coping mechanisms when the body and mind become disconnected.

As a powerful mindfulness practice allowing people to delve deeply into their emotions, Somatic breathwork continues to assist with processing and releasing these suppressed feelings. While being a positive alternative to the numbing effects of unhealthy coping mechanisms, soma centric breath can provide a pathway to inner peace and better emotional well being. Despite the array of mindfulness techniques people experiencing somatic release can utilize, many who are familiar with the modalities believe breathwork beats all, while also being a great meditation beyond the self healing capabilities.

Focused on reconnecting us with our physical bodies while expressing any trapped emotions, the self healing properties that most experiencing Somatic breathwork recount differ from traditional therapies or negative coping mechanisms that promote numbness rather than expression.

As Steven Jaggers explains, "You need to have somatic practices that dig you into your physical body, allow you to occupy your full body, your emotions, and yourself." Soma centric breath work encourages individuals to be anchored in themselves and get to know their true selves, without resorting to numbing agents. With an array of mindfulness modalities at our dispense, many who are familiar with the positive results believe breathwork beats all other meditative practices.

One of the most striking aspects of somatic breathwork exists in the ability to facilitate the release of emotions in a safe and supportive environment. Participants are encouraged to let their emotions flow freely, whether it's anger, sadness, or despair. Instead of suppressing these feelings, breathwork guides individuals in expressing them.

During a somatic breathwork session, a powerful transformation takes place. As witnessed by those who have experienced it, emotions can shift rapidly, from anger to deep sadness and eventually release. The process can be intense, but it's a cathartic journey towards healing.
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Your work is amazing. 👏👏💎💎💎
Im from Iran and I experience Trauma release naturally by myself. I hope heal fully after 2 years releasing.


I tried to sign up for the course, clicked register multiple times and nothing happens. You don't even have a phone number?
