Hello Appium! Setting up your First Appium Tests efficiently by Gaurav Singh #AppiumConf2021

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Despite all the available blogs, tons of tutorials and resources out there
Getting started with Appium is still really hard. Where should you start when you want to take your first baby steps towards Appium?
Well, this talk is for the beginners in the crowd, the noobs if you will. However, even if you are an intermediate Appium user, a refresher does not really hurt, does it?

In this tutorial, I'll help you get setup quickly and efficiently and give you the quick launchpad to get your hands dirty with Appium on both Android and iOS

We'll cover:
Mind map of the different areas/components to consider when first learning and getting started with Appium
All the steps that you need to follow to set up Appium (Current and 2.0 version) efficiently on your machine and run your first Hello world like Appium test on android and iOS.

Setup emulators and real devices
Install and setup Appium server
Set up your IntelliJ project and Gradle dependencies
Setup project structure with page object pattern

Setting up driver
Setting up desired capabilities and boilerplates to setup driver instance

Finding elements
How to use Appium Desktop for object identification

Writing your first tests
Writing your first test on Android
Writing your first test on iOS

Understand basics of ADB/IDB

Setup reporting
Get quick reporting out of the box

What could be next logical steps to take
This entire starter kit code repository (both android and iOS) would be uploaded to GitHub so that you can take this ready made sample and be on your way. 

I hope you don your Beginner's hat and join me for this exciting talk and Let's make Getting started with Appium super easy.

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