Debunking Bozos: Half an egg a day leads to an early death? NO!

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Cholesterol is in every cell membrane throughout the body and brain. It’s a key component in the immune system. There is ZERO evidence that eating 1/2 an egg a day will lead to an early death. I’d recommend enjoying LOTS of eggs in your low carb, animal-based diet.

Shout out to Dr. Michael Greger for his continued nonsensical content.

Studies (not epidemiology) cited:

You can follow me on Instagram @RunEatMeatRepeat

Medical Disclaimer: The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition
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I eat four dozen a week, along with butter and fatty steak.


I saw the name and immediately dismissed it. Michael Gregor is as much a doctor as my chihuahua is a great Dane.


I think you are fantastic, all what you been through, trying to do the right thing helping people, for the health of the people, iam trying carnivore, iam only 80%now trying to do 100%, can't seem to get there, , thanks⚘️⚘️🏃‍♀️


They are saying eating eggs ups your diabetes risk.


Now there trying to lower your total cholesterol below 180 ugh 😩 it’s really sad how money hungry these people are so you’ll stay on there dumb statins.


Way to spread misinformation. Talk about how eggs cannot legally be called safe or healthy. Cite some studies that are not funded by the egg industry, and then let’s really break down each study. Eggs are not healthy, period.
