Team Nathan VS Team Lucas : When Calls the Heart

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Alrighty guys, I made a Nathan & Elizabeth/Lucas & Elizabeth edit in one video to compare them side by side! Who do you think has more chemistry? What team are you on? Comment #TeamLucas or #TeamNathan below!!!

Be on the lookout for a new episode of the Original Heartie Podcast sometime tomorrow!

Music credits: You and Me by James TW
Clips/Videos/Photos belong to Crown Media LLC
Editing Credits belong to Emily Kaminsky (OriginalHeartie)

#teamElizabeth #wcth #WhenCallsTheHeart #hallmarkedits #hallmarkchannel #season9wouldbedivine #Lucabeth #Elizathan #GrantUsAFamily #fanvidedits #hearties

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Team Lucas!!! He has been wonderful to Elizabeth. Respects her and puts her first. And isnt entitled to her... but respects what she can give and take at each step. His actions speaks louder then words, and even his words do show his love as well. #TeamLucas


I am Team Lucas all the way! ❤❤❤ I agree with the comments made earlier. I cannot see the writers allowing Elizabeth to show her love for Lucas 💕💕 the chest beating hard when you really love someone. Holding hands, looking at his lips 💋 then his eyes when talking to him, and looking so happy when she is around Lucas. She looks stressed when she is with Nathan. I feel Elizabeth should get the chance to live the life style she grew up in again. And little Jack should be allowed that chance. Now...I will not stop watching the show if she chooses Nathan; but, I will not be looking forward to seeing the show like I do now. I look forward to seeing that chemistry between Lucas and Elizabeth every Sunday!! I look forward to the weekend for that couple.❤❤❤


Lucas is so sweet, attentive and loving towards Elizabeth. His patience and kindness should be rewarded ❣️❤️❤️❤️🐎


I keep replaying the scene in the office. I absolutely loved that! Both Lucas & Elizabeth realize the depth of their feelings and Ekizabeth is frankly overcome. The way they put each other first there is awesome and though they are not overt about faith honors God and each other. The scene frankly is sensuous yet wholesome and we have TOTALLY lost both the concept and ability to portray that in our graphic entertainment industry. Although I never have been into soaps (and this is far from that despite all that is happening in Hope Valley!) I now get why women are addicted to them in a way I didn’t before. Kudos to Hallmark to the directors & producers (including Erin herself) and to all the actors but especially to Erin & Chris. Well done, well done indeed!


#teamlucas handsdown. He puts her interest above his, respecting her wish all the way. Lucas teases her and reaches out to her core, the real her being a book lover as well as her intelligence. Elizabeth’s core somehow diminished when Jack died but with Lucas it was reignited again. With Nathan, she doesnt get this, she will probably lead a mundane life with him. I hope she will recognize this, that Lucas puts her first before him but with Nathan, its just him and Allie first. Hope she ends up with Lucas 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻




Lucas is perfect for her. She lights up every time she sees him. He is patient and kind and way better looking than Nathan. # Team Lucas


Elizabeth sums it up....She has fallen for a man who is Patient, Kind, Thoughtful and Adoring. Lucas is a goner from the get go and shows her over and over through his actions how much her happiness means to him. Even if in the end it means he needs to let her go so she can find it. And top it off with smoking hot chemistry.... that hand kiss alone was swoon-worthy...Elizabeth is one lucky lady. This wasn't a choice, this was the only choice. Lucas all the way.


Team Lucas. Seems like Elizabeth & Lucas spend more quality time together, really getting to know each other. They've danced together, worked on the library together, have had regular meals & picnics together, they've discussed her love for books & her writing, went to a reading together, Lucas is helping her get her first book published, they've gone horseback riding together, they have talked about their families & traditions, etc. They are just so comfortable with each other. I also think he could be a good dad for little Jack. He's been good to all the kids in HV. Even Allie, her first day when she was hiding in the Saloon instead of going to school. He's probably not perfect, but pretty darn close.


I prefer Lucas for Elizabeth. Choosing Nathan is just too much like repeating the story line involving Jack. Besides Nathan desperately needs some moisturizer or botox


Always rooted for Lucas with Elizabeth ❤️


Team Lucas all the way without a doubt


Beautiful video! I am Team Nathan...but I am also Team Elizabeth! Both Kevin and Chris want us to be happy with Elizabeth’s decision! I respect that all three actors are great friends in real life and that they are all doing a fantastic job of following a script! Kudos! To doing that during a very difficult pandemic!

While we all hate the divide, we must remember, just like ‘Love is a choice’ (Wonderful line by Lee!), so is hatred! We can hate the triangle and the frustration it has caused! But let’s not hate the people nor the parts they played! They ALL deserve our respect!


She thinks Lucas is the safe choice. She won't have to go through losing him like she did Jack. The problem is, every day, she will worry about Nathan and know she loves him more. Lucas will eventually realize that as well. Nathan already knows.


Team Lucas always forever with Elizabeth 💙💕


Erin is seriously so good at this that I could really see chemistry with both of the guys! I can see why TeamNathan people are upset bec he seems so laid back and great but in one episode last season the opener with her writing in her journal she said that some people are there to support her (lucas) and others need her support (nathan). That kind of tipped me off. At this point in her life she needs a support and a person who will be there in her corner to boost her up and help her become greater. And I think that ended up being Lucas. I think the writers could have done a much better job this past season and could have made the relaitionship deeper and more complex. They def should have ended the triangle in episode 4. But they need ratings to keep the show on the air!!! And we need the show. So whatever it takes!


I would be a bit disgusted if she is playing with Lucas emotions only to choose Nathan. I just can’t imagine the writers doing that to her sweet character. Anyway, it’s only a show.. 😜


#TeamLucas To be honest Elisabeth almost had me fool and almost believing that she's in love with both Nathan and Lucas but she sure me wrong at the end. But the way she keeps looking at Nathan is because he reminds him of Jack and he does I mean just one look at him and it's like seeing Jack Throton all over again. For some reason I knew she was going to chose Lucas by the she lights up whenever she sees him it's like noone else is around just her and Lucas and noone else. With Nathan whenever she sees him coming she's like she's saying 🙄 oh Lord here he comes again doesn’t he get a hint I'm not interested in him in that way type of look she gives him. Lucas wasn't forceful with his feelings towards her he's patient.


I am team no one at this point but that sneak peek when Lucas finds out Nathan has told Elizabeth twice that he loves her, I feel bad for him. I think Lucas is realizing she hasn't been fully truthful about what went on with her and Nathan before she chose him.


Wow, thank you. Great job doing this. Continue watching the show and enjoy getting to see what happens with everyone on it.
