Fishman Fluence Modern Humbucker - Metal

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Signal chain - Washburn PX20 w Fishman Fluence pickups - Randall Satan - Randall 4x12 ISO - SM57 - Apogee Quartet

Music is The Haunted - My Salvation

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Dude you never fail to impress me. If I had half your talent I would be happy...


Ola, I don't know how you do it, but you're pretty much the only gear demoing person I've found that REALLY does a fantastic job at showcasing every angle of the equipment.
Long time fan here, love what you're doing. Just thought I'd drop some appreciation. Pickups sound killer.


8 years later and they’re on top of the pickup game!


Ola - helping all guitarist. A quick thank you for all the information and content you produce. I appreciate your efforts.


I don't know what you did over the past few years of you doing video demos, but your riffs and music just gets better and better! 


5 years ago wow now those pickups sound awesome better than the Solar Duncan Peace for 2020


Voice 2 really chugs. I hate listening to so many demos of these alot of people use too much gain on it. They're active pickups! This demo was perfect thank you ola


I just got an ESP LTD M1007 and switched my pickups to an Fisherman Fluence Modern Alnico for the neck and an Ceramic for the bridge and I've never been so satisfied. This video helped out a bunch when I was looking into switching out! Good video, keep it up man!


These are probably the best pickups, I've heard by now!


They sound surprisingly good! Not something I'd personally buy, but definitely cool to see the innovation


These sounds good and very cool to have the voicing flexibility ! Good vid as always Ola! You are my go to for reviews for metal applications! \m/


All aboard the Fishman band wagon! They do sound real nice!


Satan? Washburn guitar? It's the 13 year old kid that thought he was cool in my home town. Glad to see you survived that overdose!


as always your demos definitely CHUG! your playing is a treat in a market filled with cookie cutter "metal" sounds and the all the hail what his name attitudes. Your demos deliver and I hope you and your beautiful family all the happiness in the world. Louise must be a very patient person, given how busy you stay.
my dream guitar is a Type G with Evertune bridge and Fishman L.P. Gristle tone pickups.
Honestly it's like my grand father wanting a Formula 1 to drive to his doctor appointments but hey it's a dream .


Probably the best tone on this channel!


Was looking for a good demo on these, and 30 seconds into your video, my grandma came back from the dead, beat me relentlessly, set my house on fire, and let out a low, guttural death growl that would make Phil Anselmo curl up into a ball and cry like those whiney tossers from coldplay. Clouds gathered, and lightning struck her forehead...and Iron Maiden's Eddie appeared in the sky and nodded his head...that's when the earth ripped open from under my feet, and Ronnie James Dio rose from the fiery pit and kneeled with his horns held was at this moment I realized that I needed a set of these in my Les Paul.

Legend has it that my dead grandmother is going to fill in for Pat O'Brien from Cannibal Corpse...


I was bored today and digged out a lot of your old Ola testing shit videos and decided this right here is hands down the best tone you ever did. Fishman + Satan + your hands, welp I got two of those three so I'm very excited


Can't wait to hear your new album :)


I used emg for a long time. They made my crappy Crate amp sound better. Then I got a xxx. Seemed screechy, so after twenty years of EMG, I switched back to passives. They sound great with good amps. I've tried all the best ones too.
Currently playing a jsx 120 Watt half stack. Red channel boosted with a green box. Scant effects. Way, delay, noise gate. Like KSE, and unearth guys do.
I have a stable of used, but nice IBZ RG guitars. I'me heavy on Seymour Duncan's, and DiMarzios. JB/59, Distortion meyhem sets, AB3 Blackouts, Dimbucker sets, EMG, and Crunchlab/Liquidfire sets. I even have a start w/Dimarzio Area 61/67. What have I learned.
You really can't go wrong with any of this gear. Neck through, bolt on doesn't really matter. I switched back to cheaper bolt one, and don't feel that I lost anything. Blackouts, and 81/85 are evenly matched. Never thought I would go back. My JB/59 is outstanding. Crunchlabs are very cool. Liquids are the loudest neck pickups I've seen, sound fantastic too. My least favorite is the dimebucker believe it or not. Want to love them, but nothing stands out. Probably dswitch them for Nazguls.
My IBZ RGA w/ EMG 81 is really holding it's own. I reach for it first.
Pretty much any reasonably high output pickups, and a decent high gain amp will get you where you want to be. Not sure anybody needs the new gimmick Fishmans. I'm sure they are good, but I'm not going to retrofit five guitars yo have them. I'm sure they are pricey too. Don't see them replacing anything.


best tone you've gotten in a while. although i always love your 6 string tones.
