Tom Perez Makes His Case For DNC Chair Position (Full Interview) | MTP Daily | MSNBC

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Ahead of DNC elections, Chuck Todd talks with former U.S. Secretary of Labor Tom Perez, who has earned the backing of former VP Joe Biden.

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Tom Perez Makes His Case For DNC Chair Position (Full Interview) | MTP Daily | MSNBC
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This guy has the charm of a shoe box. Plus he is a corporate sellout.


Can't wrap my finger around why I don't feel particularly comfortable with him being the DNC chair. Tom's a nice guy but not sure he's got it in him to do what needs to be done to push the party forward to 2018 and beyond.
Honestly not a huge fan of Ellison much more due to his resume, or lack there of.


35 years ago Ronald Reagan began laying the foundation and building the framework for a Corporatist and Imperialistic America. Then, starting in 1992 Bill Clinton set his administration sights on completing the work Reagan couldn't, and he finished building Reagan's house. Through legislation and deregulation, Clinton advanced corporatism in America then expanded it globally, and every President and Congress since Ronny and Billy have stayed this corporate controlled course. With the Military Industrial Complex and Fossil Fuel Industry dictating our foreign affairs policies, such as illegal interventionism of foreign governments to pre-emptive strikes and acts of war. While Wall Street and Big Banks dictate domestic policies, such as authoring free trade agreements, writing tax code and deregulating the financial industry.
35 years is a long time to have the boot of America's Oligarchy on the throat of Main Street America, all but completely squelching the "American Dream". If no one can remember a time before corporate controlled imperialistic America, no one can imagine a time after it. The empire survives in part because we believe its survival to be inevitable, but it isn't. Revolution always starts from the bottom up and if we the people stand together united in our convictions and remember "that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth", we can and will take back what is ours from the Corporate Elite and Legislators that have corrupted our government, our economy, and our American way of life... Keith Ellison for DNC Chair now - Progressives in 2018 and Tulsi Gabbard for POTUS in 2020


sorry, not buying it. Show me some progressivism or my vote goes to Keith Ellison


Not Tom Perez - Keith Ellison or Sam Ronan.


Needs to start from the grassroots, local, state and national level. Having an air of aristocracy is not the way to go. People need the feeling of being picked up and supported. Not focusing on the negatives of the other guys and fear mongering.


They must give people a reason to vote for them, and being slightly to the left of the Republicans is not a good enough reason. In countries like the UK, Canada and Norway even the conservatives there support universal healthcare, maternal leave and childcare support. If the Democrats do not differentiate themselves from the Republican party in a significant way then nothing will change.


Bad pick here. I'll leave the party if he's going to be chair. He's another corporatist like Hillary. Better would have been Sam Ronan.


We're not going for this BS & we're not coming back to the party!


yea the dnc didn't help them at all. we did. freaking corporate shill


Will you even permit anyone else to be interviewed at all who's running for the DNC. Or are you a partisan source who chooses particular candidates to softball and doesn't choose others unless you want to gut them. You said Kieth Ellison is done because of what he said in college! COLLEGE! You have serious credibility issues and ignoring them isn't going to make them go away.


Tom perez is not inspiring enough to be DNC chair. Decent interview though. I think Keith Ellison is our most reasonable candidate at this point


Frustrating is what I feel watching this video. His strategy seems sound but he doesn't communicate them very well. What America wants to know is simple. Are you on my side? That is the question. I'm biased and I think the democrats are more for the people than the repubs BUT ....


Tom perez kinda sounds like ned Flander's dad.


good job chuck.
keep digging.
stay focused, pay attention.


Turnaround specialist? Jeez, even his vocabulary is infected with corpo-talk...


are we going to find out next debate cheater?


why does he need to campaign on tv? doesnt the dnc vote on this? hope tom wins!
