Does KBG Spread FAST? Kentucky Bluegrass Self-Repairing Potential REVEALED

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This is a visual representation of how fast Kentucky Bluegrass (KBG) can spread over a full two growing seasons. It should shed some light on it's potential in the most optimal of conditions.

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Really good information. I don't think I have ever seen a video that shows just how KBG spread.


I love watching these KBG spreading videos. Yours is by far the best example out there imo. The other good example is Jason from Our Lawn.


Hey Brian,
This is why I do TTTF/KBG. Kentucky Bluegrass and Tall Fescues coexist well together. I have a few shady areas and the fescue helps. I have found that over-seeding with kbg chokes out many weeds but it does require lots of water.
Q. Why would I be seeing lighter green patches in my lawn? Wondering if I over-applied fertilizer. Turf is nice and thick. I’m still challenged with calculating fertilizer rates.
By the way my man, notice the braces are gone!


I have “Action” cultivar in southeast and it repairs extremely fast even with very large gaps. Problem is it goes dormant and thatchy constantly in high summer regardless of how much water it gets


My yard is predominantly KBG but it also had TTTF mixed in as well. Unfortunately the TT was mostly clumping. I grab it and just pull out big sections, leaving holes. I threw down some sand to fill in the divot. After a few months, the KBG has closed up the area I tore out. The abundance of rain we has this year helped but the KBG is great for self repair


I have been tracking the progress of that tree in the videos myself. I think this demands a further test. I have multiple areas similarly sized and with-in 45 days I have most of them filled in. I don't know if the cultivar matters intensely but I have been pushing it to fill it in this fall with 1/2 lb nitrogen per week. This makes it grow and fill it SUPER fast for me. So I wonder if it's worth it to push a small area like that with spoon feeding to see if you can compress that year into a month, or just to see how much is possible. Would be an interesting test. Thoughts? I like this analysis too where "under normal conditions how long does it take?"


🇨🇦👊🏻👨🏻‍🏭✨💖I probably have salt damage. I am new to lawn care, and dont know how to remedy it. I forget to come back and check comments... Maybe a video on it. Salt is a whole topic all initself isnt it? I dig all yur videos I have seen so far Sir! Awesome werk!


My kbg spreads quite slowly. I have 2 areas of damage in my lawn and without reseeding the areas still haven't filled in 1-2 years later. One area in 3-4 inches wide (dog urine?), the other is 6x6 inches (tiller hit lawn last fall). My kbg does shoot out into the dirt areas along the outer perimeter of my lawn.


Great video! Very informative! How to physically fix the salted spots? And will they grow by themselves after I put down insecticide for the chinch bugs? I am struggling with them. Thanks!


Hi! Thank you for the video! The spreading capability is great of KBG. My question: Does KBG outgrow other grass? I have a lawn that the previous owner had mixed grass seeds on. The property is 1 Acre and I don't want to kill the whole lawn. Can I just overseeding KBG and it will outgrow the other grasses over time?


I’ve been sowing BG seeds and they don’t germinate, so I bought those packs of peat pots w 10 per thing like an egg carton. The seeds have germinated and I want to get them bushy and then direct plant in yard.


Hey Brian..
You mentioned your salt experiment.
My lawn in West Michigan is low in CEC on my soil tests, and low in Calcium.
I apply a low dose once a year of Liquid Calcium. Am i doing more harm than good? I believe Calcium is Salt based isnt it?


I used some triclopyr repeatedly and perhaps a bit too strongly on some wild violets in my kbg in June then that kind of severely stunted the kbg and maybe poisoned the ground a tad. Then we had a hard droughty summer and a lot of dormant appearance resulted in that area. Now what has hung on and survived is on a slow path to filling back in there but it was down to 25%, I could have overseeded maybe but I'm content to wait and see what happens next year. It's like a 50 sq ft area. I would say it has rebounded to at least 33% coverage at this point. I though it was grub damage at first. It was a year old this September, so root development will continue to withstand poor conditions even better by next summer. No trace of violets in that area at least. If I was going to go a little heavy handed with the triclopyr, I should have done it earlier in spring at the first signs, or used tenacity when it was was younger. Sometimes it's hard to notice it when they are very small, or you kind of disregard them at first, then I got so many little ones showing everywhere in one place, they can be one of the tougher weeds to kill.


Will KBG eventually take over the other grass and weeds that’s growing in my yard? Maybe 2 years but progress


I have tall fescue with 10% kbg, I have seen dead patches 4-6" that completely fill in a matter of weeks.


I've been kind of nervous about mixing in KBG w my TTTF due to the difference in cutting heights. Nevertheless we all want a "full and thick" looking lawn. Might have to give it some thought.


I don’t know my KBG fills in my winter plowing mishaps super fast every year and has spread halfway across my backyard (aka the dog park) without any special effort or watering in the past year or so.


After salt damage we always used to use gypsum


That’s why we overseed with Perrenial Rye


Bottom line dont count on the spreadability of KBG or any other cool season grass to fix any bare spots or dead areas. Its way too slow. You need to clean, prep and seed those areas.
