Rapunzel Doll Review - Disney Princess Designer Collection - Tangled, Disney Store Doll

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My review of the Rapunzel doll from the Disney Princess Designer Doll Collection!

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Back in 2011 when the collection was announced, Rapunzel was one of my most wanted from the group of 10. Snow White was (and still is) my #1 favorite, but Rapunzel is still in a very close second place. To this day, almost 12 years later, the 2011 Disney Designer Princess collection is my favorite, and I have had 6 of the 10 dolls on constant display at home since I got them on release.

They made some interesting choices for Rapunzel with this doll, like the mirror as you mentioned. (Fun Fact: the design on the back of the mirror is the same as the brush they gave to the 2011 17" LE Mother Gothel doll and the original 12" Disney Store/Disney Parks Rapunzel doll.) Other noteworthy choices are the usage of so much light pink/mauve instead of the predominant purple in Rapunzel's film design, and then there is the almost smug side glance as she looks in the mirror. 😹 That almost makes her appear vain, which we know she is not.

I tend to modify my dolls even if I keep them in the box, so for Rapunzel, after having seen someone else on social media do it for their doll many years ago, I pulled her hair out from under her skirt, where the ends are tucked in, while keeping all of the threading on the cardboard backing in place. It allows her hair to flow to the front of the box next to her, which lends more to the Rapunzel fantasy.

One thing about all of the dolls with the fuller skirts is that we do not get to appreciate the true volume and shape of their dresses, due to the way they are folded, tucked, and pinned to the packaging (making awkward cone shapes).
