Possibly the most innovative mower? Laneshark Hammerhead 🔨

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Maintaining pond shorelines and embankments along the road are gigantic chores. The LaneShark Hammerhead looks like the perfect machine. Thanks for the demo.


Neil thanks for these videos. I have watched many of your videos and had a lot of my questions answered. I bought a 2022 L4701 after watching all your videos. I am so pleased with my purchase and that’s partly because of your content. You make me want to buy from y’all all the way from FL!
Keep em coming it’s always so informative.


This implement is yet more proof that anything is possible when money is no object.


That looks like an awesome tool for maintaining large acreage and trail systems. Thanks for the demo!


This is a wonderful review and demonstration of the lane shark. Thank you.


It would be nice if there was something like this for a BX. Maybe not with all the maneuverability but at least something that could go on the skid steer quick attach.


I have one for my tractor, and they are a very use full tool to add to my implements.. Yes, there shirts are awesome too!!


We love our original LaneShark. Envious of this hydraulic adjustment.


That power beyond 3rd function kit would save me hours when i built ranerri hedgers on m5.111n . Because i need to build mostly everything for it. Brackets and all and most of the harness has to be cut back from hedger to make it nice and clean with the tractor side harness. I would just love the system on my daily tractor because some days i need a electrical connector on it and return to tank .


Great review! Exactly what I wanted to see. Thoughts on using this with an L4060? Would fluid in rear be enough?


I’m going to get one for my BX2680. 😁


I’d think kickback of debris towards the operator station and moving the tractor’s center of gravity outward and increasing rollover risk are two real concerns with the cutter.


Lane Shark really needs to come out with a model that runs off a PTO power pack. Anyone with an older machine or even a newer machine without the 3rd function knows it can be a pain to find a 3rd function kit as well as getting a case drain installed. It would be nice if it could be a self contained stand alone unit.


Safety glasses Neil, safety glasses! (Great attachment, wow)


This is the same thing as a ditch mower for three point hitches, which have been around for decades.


Most boom flails to a great job of reaching even 20' or more upwards to the side. Flail mowers/mulchers are vastly under-utilized in the US because of stupid stupids. Maschio Gespardo and SaMASZ both make small low-horsepower flail mower boom kits (one makes an 800cm that will run on 30hp no problem) and a couple of them can even be hard-mounted to the front counter-weight box instead of needing a front-loader (tho an FL is very handy for installing them there). Almost all boom flail mowers can be used above the height of their tractor and also end up using less power to complete their tasks _and_ produce finer cuttings. There are a LOT of things I'd not use a flail mower for and the Laneshark fits almost all those uses but a good review of a boomed flail is definitely needed. The Laneshark has a fairly limited reach outside "the lane". I wouldn't hesitate to buy one if that was all I needed to mow! but in the end a dedicated belt-drive hydraulically powered boom flail is just a better product and only costs a couple thousand more (or a couple thousand less if you don't have a front loader to put it on!)

Boom flails ARE sensitive to wobble and wiggle of the tractor far more than products like the lane shark, rotary blades have a tendency to smooth out such bumps whereas the flails make the cut-line look like a loose hallway rug buckled up in a tom'n'jerry cartoon, the question really is whether you want to make something look superficially good in rapid order 'git r dun' or have it done right with very little water-flow impact and proper mulching. Without a doubt a flail is better land management.


I would assume you could still run a rear implement, say another rotary cutter or flail, and this at the same time?


Is this attachment principally for smaller tractor FELs that can't run a traditional skid steer brush-hog or are not heavy enough to handle the alternatives? The CID Swing Boom Brush Cutter is pretty much the same attachment in the same price range, but it is about three times as beefy. The Lane Shark is $10, 000, weighs 550 pounds, uses Pioneer AG style connectors instead of flat face, needs 8.5 - 20 GPM and explicitly states that it is not compatible with skid steer machines. The rubber flap on the Lane Shark seems quite risky (I mean, all mulchers and cutters are really risky when you lift them up in the air). The CID Swing Boom Brush Cutter is $10, 500, weighs 1, 400 pounds, uses flat-faced connectors, and needs 14 - 30 GPM. On the CID, the two side aprons that will ever face the operator are fixed steel all the way down. However, after reading the instruction manual for the CID, they think you'll get killed if you don't have a polycarbonate door/cab windows, so perhaps the steel doesn't buy you much.


Hope the guy didn't mind you using his new Landshark mower.
I'll just break it in for the customer.


Very informative video Neil what's the smallest tractor you would put the hammerhead on. Thank you.
