Demystifying Post-Production: UV Workflows – Starting with the Basics – Week 1

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DPP: UV Workflows – Starting with the Basics – Week 1

Join us for an exciting series of live streams about UV and texturing workflows in Cinema 4D and ZBrush. In this series, we will guide you through the basics of UV editing and texture projections. Based on a series of useful projects, we are also going to go through the whole process of unwrapping characters, organic, and hard surface objects.

Demystifying Post-Production: UV Workflows – Starting with the Basics

Join us for an exciting live stream about UV unwrapping and texturing basics. You will learn when you need to unwrap UVs and when you can just use texture projections. Furthermore, we will demonstrate the basic unwrapping workflow in Cinema 4D.

I write it here occasionally, but I would love to have for each four+ part series team wide meeting, and we all share whatever we know would be beneficial and construct a script (flow) from there. I will ask for that again soon, don't worry.

00:00:00 Waiting Loop
00:02:32 Welcome
00:03:44 Housekeeping

00:06:47 Today's Topic, UV Workflows
00:07:38 __ Noseman's earlier UV content

00:09:51 Globe Remapping, the History
00:10:55 __ Problem, Distortion
00:11:53 __ Classic solutions
00:12:54 __ UV, low distortion as a goal
00:15:15 __ Two targets of UV unwrapping

00:18:02 Q All 2D earth maps have distortion
00:22:22 Q UV for animation and still
00:23:26 Q How to best use texture space with UV
00:24:35 Q Why is it called UV
00:25:29 Q __ The Normalized UV space, U 0-1, V 0-1
00:27:48 Q UV vs. standard projections
00:30:15 Q__ Example in Cinema 4D
00:38:04 Q How to generate UV from projections
00:40:12 Q __ Example in Cinema 4D, Asset Browser
00:41:10 Q __ Tip -- The Pin Material Tag

00:41:46 Donut Segment Texturing, UV
00:44:20 __ Prepare for relaxing, selection
00:47:02 __ Straighten the results
00:47:32 __ Projection settings and UV Tag position
00:48:11 __ Relax result, Understanding UV quality
00:50:45 __ How does this work with shaders, Noise
00:52:45 __ Fixed 3D Shader space vs object movement

00:56:00 Q UV preparation, Pose Morph, optimization
00:58:47 Q Hard edges, smoothing, and baking
01:01:12 Q __ UV and best possible for 3D painting
01:03:00 Q __ Continuity and Distortion
01:04:17 Q __ Optimize for a single Still
01:07:04 Q __ UV Mesh Layer and the DIY version of it
01:08:44 Q __ Tip Edge Color for UV Mesh layer
01:13:51 Q __ Imagine creating the model out of paper

01:16:16 Bottle Example, Asset Browser
01:17:30 __ Cylindrical, position, to UV
01:19:18 __ Selection, UV Transform Tool, Skew

01:21:38 Tell us what you need

01:23:16 Tank Turret Session
01:23:38 __ Automatic Packing, View Settings
01:24:11 __ How about Labels
01:24:50 __ Phong Break Selections, Unwrap Selection
01:27:10 __ Disconnect in usable parts
01:28:13 __ Auto Realign on or off, Unwrap
01:31:17 Q How to decide what to split
01:34:38 __ Closing mesh gaps to keep UV mesh flow
01:36:58 __ Consider Retopologize, Tip -- Remeshing

01:40:32 Q When to Pinpoint for unwrapping
01:43:52 Q Is there a UV Spline Mapper
01:45:32 Q Remesher and resulting UVs
01:47:46 Q Cut each UV polygon for Substance
01:51:06 Q How to recognize a proper auto Unwrap.
01:54:29 Q What about UDIMs
01:55:14 Q __ DIY-UDIMs ala Noseman

01:59:48 Wrapping Up, and next week
02:02:10 Thank you and bye
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awesome stream. Can't wait to see the rest
