DIY Drawstring Bucket Bag

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You could also use the drawstring bucket bag as a fabric bin.
First, I made a circle template for the base. The radius was 4 3/8” and it had a circumference of about 27 1/2”. I added a 1/2” border around it for the seam allowance. I taped the border so that it could be easily removed when tracing my template.
Then, I made a rectangle template. The width was half the circumference of the circle, which was 13 3/4”. The height was 10 3/4” and I added a 1/2” border around it.
I also made a 13 3/4” x 3” strip with a 1/2” border around it.
I’m used a thick black cotton fabric for the outside, a patterned fabric for the inside, and muslin cotton for the lining.
I’m also used HeatnBond Ultrahold to make the bag sturdy. There’s a shiny side and the other side has the paper. I drew the rectangle on the paper side and cut it out leaving a little bit of extra paper around it. I made 2 of these.
Place the shiny side over of the fabric used for lining. Then, iron it. I placed fabric over the HeatnBond so that the iron wasn’t directly touching it. Take your time ironing and make sure that the edges stick to the fabric.
Then, cut out the rectangle. Do the same to the other sheet. I also made a circle piece.
I drew and cut the rectangle with the border on the outer fabric, and I made 2 of them. I also drew and cut the circle with the border. I made halfway marks on the circle to use as a guide.
Peel the paper off the HeatnBond and iron it onto the outer fabric.
Align the 2 rectangles, with the backs facing out, and sew along both sides of the lining. I also made a zigzag stitch along the edge so that the fabric wouldn’t fray.
Next, pin the circle piece to the bottom. I aligned the halfway marks on the circle with the seams of the rectangles.
Then, sew them together. I trimmed the border and once again, sewed a zigzag stitch along the rim.
Turn it inside out and set it aside.
Repeat this process with the inside fabric. But leave an opening, bigger than the one I made (mine was a bit small), on 1 of the sides and leave it inside out.
Next, I cut the 2 strips using the outer fabric.
Fold along the side marks and fold over again. Then, sew it.
Align the top and bottom of the strip. I marked the top and bottom’s 1/2” border on the other side of the fabric.
Align the 2 folded strips with the edge of the outer fabric. Place and pin the inside fabric over it.
Then, sew them together. I trimmed the border and made a zigzag stitch along the rim.
Pull the fabric through the opening to turn the bag inside out.
Then, sew the opening closed with a ladder stitch.
Tuck in the inside fabric. I ironed the top and clipped it for a few minutes flatten the seam.
I’m used parachute cord and cut 2 pieces at 36”.
With a safety pin, I pinned 1 end of the cord and strung it through both strips.
Then, I strung the other cord going in the opposite direction.
I knotted the ends using an overhand knot and cut the extra cord.
I melted the ends so that the cords wouldn’t unravel.

instagram: @itscreatewithjenn
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Finally! It took me 3 days but I just finished the bag. I'm so proud of it. I didn't add the heat n bond because I was making this bag to hold a large sleeping bag. I didn't need it to be sturdy.

The only part the was really confusing was adding the panels for the drawstring. The video doesn't clearly show how you pinned them to the inside of the bag. I pinned them the wrong way first before I figured it out. Once I did though, the way you showed it made sense. It was just really confusing at first.

I love my new pouch so thank you for the tutorial. This was the easiest one out of all the others I looked at with a round bottom, so I'm glad I picked this one to do.


Thank you!!! I knew I was missing a few steps! I appreciate you and this video so much thank


wonderful tutorial! I want to make one of these for my husband to carry his home cooked lunches. Will definitely be making one of these, thanks!


Cute little bucket bag. Thanks for your very clean and clear instructions. They look like they are easy to follow.


Hi Jenn !
Very Nicely explained.! Thanks for sharing on stitching this Draw String Bag.


Thank you for sharing! im going to give it a try 😊


An idea of how much fabric to buy would be useful as well as the dimensions of the finished bag. And three fourths??? emm three quarters.


How many yards of fabric did you get for both lining and exterior per bag?


Great tutorial. Clear and to the point. Music was a little too loud but still a great video.


Too complicated for dumb me 😞 love how it came out. 👍


I have watched this a couple of times. Where did the lining fabric go? I followed the steps but can't seem to find where it went into the bag? I love this and am going to try it soon.


The most critical part is that strip at top that flips over for drawstring. Why use black fabric for a demo - hard to see, and only 2 second explanation about the loop strips. Otherwise great video thanks. 😊
