What is your Nen Type? (Personality)

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Does any one recognize my cosplay? Haha. Made this since Hunter X Hunter is my favorite anime. Also New video I've been working on for awhile is coming. So Subscribe for more and share. It would mean a lot.
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I just realized that you look like mr. wing


I definitely fall under Conjurers, it's just I can't compare to the level of observation and deduction exhibited by characters like Kurapika.


I got enhancer in all my quizzes, I was wondering if I would be a emitter, but enhancers are cool too.


Great. I'm a specialist. Now I will be left in a dark void of not knowing what my ability will be.


I fit all except for emitter. Thanks for the quick summary video, when I first got into hxh I was so confused about the all the nen abilities but easy to explain videos like these are good for any more people that will get into this awesome series. Take care


I fit manipulator pretty much perfectly based off of the description, I always thought I was more of an emitter.


I have at least one characteristic from each category does that mean I have Emperor time?


-rush into things
-close to family
-careful sometimes
ye so my personality fits a bit of each catergory basically so i think i might be specialist


Definitely an Emitter. I tend to jump to conclusions and make my mind easily.


Also Very nice wing cosplay at the Beginning


lets go keep up the great work your editing is beyond amazing.


I have some personal interpretations for the catagories:
Enhancers seek refinement. Whether their own skills, the properties of their bodies, or the bodies of others, Enhancers strive for their goals through refining what they already have.

Transmitters adapt, and are natural improvisers. Killua adapted his trauma into a hatsu that he could mold to suit his circumstances. Hisoka even named his after a childhood candy.

Conjurers are pragmatic problem solvers. They find the exact solution that fits their needs. They start out weaker than others because they are inflexible, but with time they can gain absolute power within their chosen domain.

Specialists are defiant. Not of people or circumstances, but systems. Being a specialist represents a desire to break down the world as we currently know it, or to achieve the impossible.

Manipulators are, unsurprising, people who desire control. They feel most at ease when they can determine every detail about something, but can fall apart when they are not given this. This makes them powerful, yet fragile.

Emitters seek freedom. They don’t take well to constraints forced onto them, and try to evade them. This begins with emoting aura, but a truly proficient emitter can even defy the constraints of space itself.

So that’s my general interpretation. These are kinda general, but I think it’s better than personality testing. Nen responds to desires and gives you a tool that matches your problem solving approach. Gon seeks to refine his strength to be able to find his father, but some enhancers design healing hatsu because they want to refine others. Franklin is devoted to the Phantom Troupe because of its freedom from concerns about the death of individuals or specific failures, but Leorio seeks to break free of the constraints of poverty and to bring others with him. They are both emitters, but their personalities are very different. What brings them together is their desire for freedom, with their experiences determining how they apply that desire


An easy way to know.

Extroverts are on the left
Introverts are on the right
The top 3 are Simple
The bottom 3 are complicated


I'm an enhancer. I'm simple, earnest and I act on how I feel a lot. Also, ADHD rage lol


Apparently in all of the quizzes I'm a Transmuter. I'm an adaptive person. No matter how tough the conditions get, I perform my best. Reliable, trustworthy, and, most notably, independent.


I thought i was perfect with transmuter until i heard specialist


This is based off of Hisoka’s theories correct? Because I read into it before that you can’t actually tell someone’s type just by their personality but then again Father Hisoka hasn’t been wrong so I believe it too.❤️


I don't fit into any of these completely. I think I'd be a transmuter-conjurer. I had a tendency to fib when I was a kid because of overthinking and anxiety, but I think I could become a "specialist" if I master myself. I don't think you could say I'm a specialist other than Lone Wolf. I resonate with kurapika the most out of the main 4


I always got enhancer in all the quizzes i took and effectively is definitely the perfect category for a martial arts entushiast such as myself


Well i can be impatient just like Emitters, can have wild card like Transmuters, and can be observant just like Conjures. But i could be an enhancer since i can be patient
