Corrupted NPM libs - Faker and Colors - the dark side of Open Source

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In this video you will learn the background story, and what's more important, how to protect your applications from being injected with corrupted libraries!
#quadmeup #npm #opensource
0:00 Intro
0:16 What exactly happened to faker and colors NPM libs
2:23 Did the developer have a right to do it?
2:50 What MIT license says about that
4:12 How to protect your application
5:42 Outro
#quadmeup #npm #opensource
0:00 Intro
0:16 What exactly happened to faker and colors NPM libs
2:23 Did the developer have a right to do it?
2:50 What MIT license says about that
4:12 How to protect your application
5:42 Outro
Corrupted NPM libs - Faker and Colors - the dark side of Open Source
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