The Real Truth Of Women Dating Shorter Guys

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In this Hayley Quinn video, I want to share with you the cold hard truth that women think about when dating shorter guys. Don't worry, this video will really help out massively. :)

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My name is Hayley Quinn, subscribe to find out and stay up to date on how you can approach & meet women organically wherever and whenever you want! My mission is to help men and women all over the world, find their ideal partners & overall to help them to become a better person!

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In general women do prefer taller men, you wouldn't need to make this video if it wasn't an issue.


I'm 6'0 and my boyfriend is 5'2. At first, I wanted a taller or boyfriend because I'm tall and it's not usual for me to feel little around a guy. However, when I started talking to my boyfriend I didn't even care that he was shorter. It was his personality that mattered


She says, "the 80 to 90% that don't care". That's bull.... Only 30% of women are up for dating a man of 5' 7" or less, according to one study. I'm that height, and that feels about correct.


i'm 5'9 and my boyfriend is 5'7 and we're cute as heck!! his height doesn't bug me at all, and my height doesn't bug him at all. i'll even wear platform creepers and tower over him and we still look bomb af


it's more like 80% who want the tall guy.


My wife is a tall chinese girl, around 5'8", I'm a 5'6" white guy, lol. She has dated guys probably a foot taller than I, and says most of them were nothing compared to me. She fell in love with me enough to forget about all of them and marry me, so don't worry too much about it guys. I feel like a dwarf walking through a major city but didn't let it stop me from approaching girls back in the day, that's how I met my wife actually. Stop nurturing your fragile ego and get out there....


If 80-90% of women didn't mind, it wouldn't be a question. The majority of Western women prefer a taller man. Period. Don't ask women because that's just talk; ask short men, because they can tell you what women actually DO, and actions speak louder than words.


The 80 or 90% who don't care about height??? Where is this?? It's more like 10-20% who "don't care" about it.


I appreciate your perspective on this issue. As a male who stands at 5'5, I have seen enough to suggest that both shorter and taller women use very similar standards to evaluate shorter men. Women like men in general, want to be under the impression that they are holding themselves up to the standards that they believe they deserve. They do not want to date someone who they believe their friends might perceive as inferior lest they be seen as falling from grace. It should almost go without say that everyone should see themselves as important (as they are). Genetics and biology are a very strange setup.


The overwhelming majority of women prefer men who are at least 5'10". Even girls who may be 5' even prefer guys who tower over them by a foot or so.


You have your facts inverted. 80-90% of women have a hard set requirement of minimum heightin males. It doesn't matter if the girl is shorter or not, even the shortest women have this 6ft height requirement, in America atleast. That is not insecurity, that's verifiable fact.


"Some women do" discriminate against short women? NO, MOST women discriminate against short men.


I'm 5'8 and I've always been hated by women except when I owned nice cars, true story!


Not many guys will discriminate against an average women with modest looks and curvy figure. Get real here! In terms of sexual attraction leading to sexual encounters men will go for any woman that looks decent enough and that doesn't weigh 350 pounds ! Even then a bigger woman will find it easier to find some one then a short man will


If we women want to reject us because of something we have no control over (our height) that's fine. As long as we can reject them over something they have no control over (their age). When they get old and desperate, we'll just casually say "I can never go out with a woman older than me." or "Oh if only you were younger, I'd go out with you!"



It shows that appearance in men matters more to many women than what is let on.


1:33 "Some guys will discriminate against me because of my weight, " she says. In her case, I seriously doubt that.


Unfortunately many women believe that their preference for tall men is unique to themselves and that there are plenty of women who "prefer" shorter men, but the numbers and anecdotes don't tell that story.

Where men have many different preferences, mostly all women agree on height as being a top priority. With 85% of men UNDER 6ft Tall and 50% UNDER 5'10, that leaves a LOT of men on the benches.


What's further disturbing about this ridiculous reasoning is that women will STILL reject a guy who is even one inch shorter or even same-height as them. It's either 4-6 inches taller or no dice. No compromise and forget about even remotely attempting to get to know his personality.


You come across as highly inauthentic. I feel like you are aware that you are not telling the truth in this video.
