Our 12 Week Missed Miscarriage Story

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Our 12 Week Missed Miscarriage Story
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For anyone that has a missed miscarriage I heard this the other day:

Your body hasnt failed you or let you down. Your body wanted you to be pregnant so much and loved that baby that your body wasn’t ready to let it go

Thought it was a beautiful way of reframing the negative thoughts. X


Just today I returned from hospital after D&C for my 2nd missed miscarriage... Lots of love n strength to mommas who have gone through my ordeal


I'm so sorry you went through that. I have a similar story. My husband and I put off having kids and focused on growing our careers to be financially stable. At 27 and 28, we were ready to stop birth control and start trying. My 3 cycles took 7 months, and on the 3rd I finally got the positive. We were over the moon and told close friends. We embraced the pregnancy and my husband took such good care of me. I knew in the back of my head that miscarriage is common with first pregnancies, but I tried to not think about it. I started getting nausea and food aversions at 5 weeks, along with sore boobs and bloating. We went to our 7 week scan, and I was spot on from my tracking, 7 weeks and 1 day - due 3/6/23. The baby had a beautiful little body and a yolk sac, and a heart rate of 137 bpm. I was so happy to see it healthy. I was prescribed macrobid for a possible uti but other than that I had a clean bill of health. They set my next ultrasound for 11 weeks 1 day to check for defects and growth. My nausea got worse with the macrobid, but around 9 weeks it was out of my system and I felt so much better. The nausea was almost gone but the food aversions were there. I had migraines in week 10. I started to have terrible fears of the baby being gone because of feeling better so soon. I was reassured by friends that it probably ended early because it started so early at 5 weeks. On the day of the 11 week scan, I told my husband about my fears, but he brushed them off and told me baby is fine. When I laid down for the ultrasound, the tech used the wand on my belly and couldn't get much of an image so she switched to internal ultrasound. The picture appeared and it showed an outline of our baby, laying very still upside down. All I had heard is to expect my baby to bouncing all over the place at this ultrasound. I turned to the ultrasound tech and said "please tell me he is sleeping". Those words still ring in my husband's ears. When she turned on the heartbeat detector, the screen showed static. Thats when my heart dropped and I knew. She turned to me and said "I'm sorry, there's no heartbeat". The baby had stopped growing 2 weeks ago at 9 weeks 1 day. I wanted the baby out. I was in shock. I opted to take the misoprostol to induce the miscarriage, because I wanted to experience delivering and meeting my baby in the comfort of my home. They offered strong pain meds, but i didnt want them so they told me that 2 aleve would be close to equivalent of iv pain relief. I took misoprostol and 1 aleve (didnt realize that would not be helpful like 2 at once would) at home and spent 9 hours in labor, with painful contractions and passing multiple clots the size of tennis balls. By 11pm, I felt my pain stop mid contraction and a gush. My water had broken and my baby was there. He was the size of a grape, with the sweetest little fingers and dots for eyes, and little legs. I held him In my hand and let my husband say goodbye with me. 15 mins later I delivered the placenta. 2 days later I came back for a follow-up ultrasound, and I still had over 3 centimeters thick endometrial lining in the uterus. The doctor prescribed another round of misoprostol and I spent another 9 hours with lighter contractions and minimal tissue and blood passing (I took 2 aleve this time and it helped) 2 days later I was passing clots and blood again, I still am. My ultrasound is next Tuesday, if I haven't passed enough tissue I will need a DNC which I don't want. My hcg tests have lowered to a very faint positive so I have hope. But I just want this to be over so we can try again


I got diagnosed last week, doctor can’t find a heartbeat in my twins so I decided to wait for miracle but God loves my babies and want to keep them with Him. I have heavy bleeding yesterday and my babies out naturaly but doctor said there is still many tissues inside my womb and I need to do D&C tomorrow.


This was tough to watch. I hate seeing you hurting. This is a pain I wish no woman ever had to feel or experience. I admire you. Your strength. Your dedication to helping others. Your heart. Your passion. All of it! You are just simply amazing. I know sharing this was very difficult and painful. But it will most certainly help someone else going through this or something similar. I’m continuing to send my love and hugs. ❤️


I am 11 weeks and yesterday I was told my baby stopped developing 4 weeks ago and had no heart beat. I haven’t felt any miscarriage symptoms. I never knew this was a thing. Thank you for sharing your story. It’s help me understand my situation better. God bless


Thank you so much for making this video & addressing not only the physical aspects but the emotional, too. It really is therapeutic to watch because I feel not so alone, yet also so hard to watch because my heart hurts for you and I know your pain. I am miscarrying at about 11 weeks with triplets. My babies only measured around 6 weeks though... I wasn’t prepared for the amount of physical pain I was in, and all that was coming out of me. On top of that was of course grief & loss, and it’s been the worst feeling I’ve ever had to feel. For anybody reading this that is going through a miscarriage— you are not alone.❤️❤️❤️


Her story matches mine exactly, which freaks me out. I'm 11 weeks pregnant, I heard and saw a heartbeat at 8 weeks, and I am just super freaked out about another miscarriage. I have my 12 week appointment on Monday and I pray to God that my baby is ok.


I want to say thank you. I'm so sorry u had to go through this. I lost my baby 5 days ago. 2 days b4 8 weeks and I experienced everything you described. It's awful. Tomorrow is the anniversary of the passing of my little girl who died 6 yrs ago tomorrow of a brain tumor. She was 3yrs old. This loss is my 5th miscarriage in as many yrs. Let no one tell you how to or how long u should grieve. It's a process and you have to ride it out.


I just experienced a missed miscarriage and had an DNC 2 weeks ago. Thanks for sharing your story because it made me feel not alone. I am turning 38 end of this month. My mom told me that i was too old to have a baby. But hearing about your age proved the doctor's right. It can happen at any age. I hope you are doing better now. ❤ we have an angel baby watching over us!


This just happened to me today. 11 week doc visit and doc said “I’m sorry there’s no heartbeat.” Time stood still. We had heard a solid heart beat at ultrasound twice last month. Im 37. I’m still haunted about my moms baby she lost at 5 months pregnant when I was 10 years old the trauma it gave me. And for this to happen to me now I believed I wouldn’t miscarry because of the pain I experienced at 10 years old when my mom lost hers. I always wanted to have a baby myself to make up for it. Not giving up but heartbroken today💔


I’m watching this from the UK and currently on day 3 of miscarrying a 9 week pregnancy. Thank you so much for sharing your story. Know that your bravery and honesty is helping me get through this horrific experience right now. I’ve had miscarriages before, 9 in total, but none of my previous losses were this far along and so I was not physically or mentally prepared for this pain. It is excruciating. I was exactly like you and for most of the past 48hrs, I have either been rocking back and forth, curled in a ball, crawling to the bathroom, leaning over the couch unable to sit down, going through the most painful contractions I’ve ever known. I’m taking codeine right now which I would never usually take and it’s barely taking the edge off. We had a reassurance scan at the hospital last week that showed the baby stopped developing at 5 weeks but my body took a whole month after to realise. My tummy was growing, I had pregnancy symptoms and we were so sure everything was fine. The shock and sadness when you’re told things are not fine is indescribable. We have a 6 year old daughter and I long to give her a brother or sister but it’s so scary to even imagine going through this journey again at the moment, in case we end up back here again. I’m 37 so I don’t really have time on my side either but I hope this is not the end for us. I know when the physical pain subsides, I’ll have the emotional pain to deal with, but I just want to thank you for making me feel less alone right now x


A year after my missed miscarriage I got pregnant with my now sweet 2 year old little boy.


I suffered a missed miscarriage. I discovered it myself. I worked in an OB/GYN office and watched my baby’s heartbeat start and saw when it no longer beat. I was so so so sad. I’m sorry for your loss. 😢


In March I had my 12 week appointment and they said my baby had no heartbeat but was the size the baby should have been so the baby had just passed. Yesterday would have been my due date. They wanted me to have a d and c so bad but I told them I wanted it to be done naturally in the comfort of my home and that’s what happened it took my body 2 weeks to understand the loss. Currently pregnant and are hoping this baby sticks around! This type of loss is absolutely awful and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.


I found this so heartbreaking to watch, and I'm so sorry for all that you have had to go through. You are unbelievably strong & resilient. You are so incredibly brave to make this video, but know that it will really help other women in this situation. Sending love to you & your family.


This just happened to me. 2 days ago we found out on our first prenatal visit that our baby stopped developing at 8 weeks and im supposed to be 10 weeks pregnant it was devastating. My heart sank and all i could do was cry. I never had any symptoms and my body doesnt want to let go and process the loss of our baby 😭💔


I'm currently 9 weeks pregnant and your video has definitely been helpful in answering my questions about missed miscarriage which I think is a huge fear for a lot of women. You have gone through a great struggle dealing with this and I just want to say that your courage in posting this video is enormous. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings with us.


i just had a missed misscarrige ..it was my very first pregnancy and on my first 11 week scan i got the news that there was no heartbeat and that the baby stoped growing its honestly the worst thing that a woman can experiance ....im very sorry for you aswell and as i was watching your video i was crying aswell ..but as u said you had 2 natural misscarriges and honestly id be better off having that natural misscarrige because the way this all hit me on my very first visit and hearing from doctors its just the worst its about a week only and i honestly dont know even if i will be able to get over this ..
but you have your 2 girls and im happy for you i really hope i will have a healthy pregnancy one day
and thank you for sharing your story ❤


Hi thank you for this video. My story is the exact same as yours. I go tomorrow for my d&c. I would be 12w2days. I’m devastated. Baby stopped growing at 8 weeks 😭 I too am grieving the loss of a 12 week old fetus. I just want this to be a bad dream. I can’t stop crying 😢 Your video gave me comfort. Blessings to you and your family ❤️❤️
