Getting Started with Vim | Vim | Programming | Ramba Academy

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#vim #coding #programming

Link of commands with associated timestamps:

Chapter Notes:

0:00 Introduction
0:33 Installation on Linux Distribution
0:51 Installation on Mac-Os
2:27 Opening a File
3:22 Insert Mode
3:40 Bi-modal Philosophy
4:25 Saving a File
5:01 Opening a File
5:28 Adding Text Below Line
5:51 Exiting Vim
7:28 Appending to Character
7:43 Appending to Line
8:14 Navigation Keys
8:36 Copying
8:50 Pasting
9:20 Deleting Lines
10:08 Repeat Register
10:32 Replace Mode
11:25 History Control
11:52 Visual Mode
13:00 Settings File
14:08 Deleting a Character
14:23 Outro
Рекомендации по теме

0:33 sudo apt-get install vim : installation of vim on Linux systems.
0:51 brew install vim : installation of vim on mac-os.
2:27 vim : opening a blank canvas of vim.
3:22 i : pressing I will allow you to go into insert mode and will allow you to insert text into the editor.
3:40 escape : pressing escape will allow you to change from whatever mode you were currently were in.
3:52 ctrl + [ : this key combination is equivalent to pressing the escape button.
4:25 :w <fileName> : will write any changes made to specified file name.
5:01 vim <fileName> : this will open the specified fill in vim
5:28 o : inserting text below the current line.
5:51 q! : force quit out of vim, and forfeit any changes made since the last change
6:28 wq : writing and quitting a file in one command
7:28 a : to start inserting the character after the current cursor
7:43 shift + a : to jump to the end of a line and to insert
8:14 the introduction of the vim navigation keys, instead of taking your hands off the home row your hands can rest on the home row and you can still navigate through your file. The vim keys are going to be as follows: - h : to move left - j : to move down - k : to move up - l : to move right
8:36 yy : copying a whole entire line
8:50 p : to paste a line
9:09 5p : pasting a line 5 times. You don't have to paste a line 5 times, you can paste however many times you would like.
9:20 dd : deleting a whole entire line
9:38 3dj : For deleting three lines down. You don't have to delete three lines down, you can delete however lines you would like in whatever direction
10:08 . : repeating a command from the repeat register
10:32 r : replacing a character while in normal mode
10:55 shift + r : entering into replace mode
11:25 u : undoing edited text
11:33 ctrl + r : to redo edited text
11:52 v : visual mode
12:06 shift + v : visual line mode
13:00 vim ~/.vimrc : to enter into your vimrc file
12:30 add this to your .vimrc file to enable backspaces set backspace=indent, eol, start
13:42 source ~/.vimrc : sourcing your vimrc file
14:08 x : deleting a character
