SCP 2539 - Highway to Hell [Euclid] | Experienced and Narrated by AI

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=== SCP Information ===
Item #: SCP-2539
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-2539 has been closed under the provisional cover story of maintenance. Foundation security personnel have been assigned to monitor and intercept civilians attempting to access SCP-2539.
=== Video Credits ===
Story visuals created using Midjourney (paid license).
Item #: SCP-2539
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-2539 has been closed under the provisional cover story of maintenance. Foundation security personnel have been assigned to monitor and intercept civilians attempting to access SCP-2539.
=== Video Credits ===
Story visuals created using Midjourney (paid license).