Kihon created from Kata Series: Choun no Kon - Perpetual Combo

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Choun no Kon includes a unique combination found in Shushi no Kon Sho, as well as a unique combo found in Shushi no Kon Dai. Therefore, after seeing this kata, some stylists from other schools say "Oh, it is just a collection of fragments from other kata."

However, this is not necessarily so. First, the popular stories about the transmission of Shushi no Kon might not necessarily be correct (story of Mr. Shu who came from China and lived near Sogen-ji in Tomari and taught this kata).

Second, in the tradition of the now defunct Soeishi-ryu of royal martial arts instructors, it is said that the bojutsu of this school was composed of Shushi no Kon and Choshi no Kon. So there might have been a confusion of Choshi and Choun in the postwar era.

Third, there might indeed has been a technical cross modification and creation of various kata of the Taira lineage, however, these cannot be solved by simplified, one-dimensional arguments.

in short, it needs more study.
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