Companion Planting Peppers and Sweet Potatoes in Raised Beds

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Have you ever wondered what companion plant to plant with sweet potatoes? Or maybe peppers? This spring I grew some sweet potatoes from slips and planted them in the same bed as some peppers. The are complementing each other as companion plants in the raised bed! The sweet potatoes cover the ground and keep it from getting too hot so that it retains more moisture. Since they use different nutrients for production the complement each other in that regard as well.

You can companion plant sweet potatoes with tomatoes, eggplant, and tomatillos as well. When matching companion plants concentrate on the resources each plant needs. If they will use different resources to grow then they will work together for maximum production.

How to Grow Sweet Potatoes from Slips:
Growing sweet potatoes from slips is easy. Just put a sweet potato in a jar of water and let it sprout. Take off the slips and stick them in the raised bed. They will take off all on their own! I used a grocery store sweet potato.

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Yes! I "accidentally" did this last year and both peppers, tomatoes, and sweet potato did great!! Thank you for sharing!


Tomorrow I will move some of sweet potato slips into my raised bed that have peppers and tomatoes growing. Thanks for the video now I learned something new.


I let my sweet run all over the ground this year here in Florida. It has already covered about 200 ft if not more. I thought of doing the same with my bell peppers, tomato and cucumber next year. But I read that they should not be planted together because of the same insects they attract. Humidity and heat plus rain make it an ideal home for these pests.
Spinosad and DE helped a lot this year. So, thanks your video seemed to encourage me with the idea.


Like the idea. Here on the coast I can overwinter my pepper plants. I am growing 5 SP beside a 3 yr old pepper plant. Learn as we grow!


I am trying this as well this year! First time ever trying to grow sweet potatoes


Hahha sweet potatoes ARE the same family as morning glory. But I like your idea and what you did here I think I’m going to try that thank you for sharing this


I'm going to be trying this this year, mostly out of necessity since I don't have much available space and most of my beds are narrow rows. I'm also going to cover the bottom of my tomato and tomatillo bed with sweet potatoes as well.


I’ve seen so many videos on how to grow sweet potatoes and growing slips and then putting those in separate jars and stuff but honestly the way that works best for me is the way I discovered by mistake I just had some potatoes in the cabinet and forgot about them and they were EVERYWHERE!!! Slips out the wazoo!! People are over complicating things.

I’m curious how yours turned out because a lot of store potatoes have growth Inhibitor so that they don’t start sprouting or if they do at least they don’t grow very good potatoes but that’s where I got mine and they are going like crazy!

I would be curious if you do an update video and how yours turned out.

(Sorry if there’s any spelling or grammatical errors in this it’s too hard to correct and I’m speaking into my phone but hopefully you get what I’m saying)


Thank you. Are bone meal and blood meal the only fertilizers you added?


Useful video, thank you for making it. What can I start growing from new seeds in this July?


Can you do a video on how to start slips


Did you only plant the peppers on the edges of the bed or are they also in the middle?
