James MacDonald Fired From Harvest Bible Chapel - Ep. 1 - In the News

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Join us as we discuss the recent firing of James MacDonald from Harvest Bible Chapel. The team will discuss how to handle the failure of our spiritual leaders and what to do when our churches are affected by failed leadership.

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I never dreamed to see so many pastors sell out the approval of God for the approval of man. The spirit of pride from our leaders is totally unacceptable.


The truths of God will prevail regardless of the fallen leader speaking the message.
Pride is a sin and not one is immune from this sin.


Just remember as we comment on this video that we all fall short of the glory of God. Great video though.


I think it is great to discuss the issue of the church and how to handle their pain, I have been following and supporting the ministry for many years and I do not think that those who believe in the simple Bible based message have a problem with James' preaching simple uncomplicated messages and I do not think people will be tossing his preaching dvd's in the bin as much as you might think judging by what feedback I have been getting they are supporting each other through their grief and I have not heard too many harsh statements due to the fallout of losing a respected pastor as you might think. Is it troubling of course, I will tell you that I wept when I heard this news but my faith did not waver I prayed earnestly for James and his family and I know that God has a plan and will continue to use the church in Chicago. I feel that the Walk in the Word platform worked because of its uncomplicated Bible message and still do. The real issue I think that is far more damaging is James not coming forward to address his congregation as a whole via online where a lot of his listeners have become acquainted with him. I think I feel let down more by his lack of acknowledging his church in the broad sense of the word. Not so he can be bashed or ridiculed but so he can get Christian feedback and encouragement and perhaps hear that people will be praying for him and his family. James like the rest of us is flesh and is just as frail and weak and susceptible to the wiles as we are and it is sad but as Christians we should be caring forgiving and moving on with God's work. Having said that I am also grieved for those who are not Christians who hear yet another story of a high profile Christian in the media and the damage that this does to a not quite there listener that turns his back entirely on the Word of God. God help us to forgive and love and serve as Christ showed by HIs example.


Its understandable to be hurt and even angry with what happen...please dont let the spirit of offence take over. You gave of your time and tithes and offerings with a good heart to God not these men, It is on them and God will deal with that. Let the anger and resistance go God has plan for you stay focused. <><


They speak in grand generalities; so vague. What exactly happened? You want to warn other churches not to do what happened there? Well, what happened?


I really like his teaching and I am sure that there are many more that feel as I do.. 1. We all miss it at times. 2.God does not take the gift he gives..3. Was it done (the release), in Decency and order.. Did the Elders in the Church go to him about his behavior/language/ etc... If they did and he continued in inappropriate behavior then the release is valid.. I am going to say where I truly believe the Church is in error at across America... We have made the Pastors/Ministers/Laymen Gods... Yes, I said it because someone should.. Do we respect their seat that they have been Chosen by God to be in, Yes!.. But God is our Head, if we do not hold the Shepherd accountable to being a Shepherd (some) will act Dominate toward the sheep.. Bad Behavior from a Shepherd (must) be "Confronted" before the sore of ugly Spreads and damages sheep/people....I love the Pastor and his teaching but if love is not shown from him then he must go.... The Church is being Judged right now, exposure is happening.. We must get back to being a Church of Decency and Order....


Everyone goes through a test or falls. King David did. James has to go through the test. He will decide with free will what he will do.


I enjoyed your video and your sincere hearts in addressing the firing of James MacDonald. Praise God for people like you who seek His way and His truth. I had one concern with your discussion. At the 29:46 mark you were saying "years down the road after much prayer, much restoration, much healing that comes through that God might not have a ministry for him now . . . " I agree with all that you said but you left out the most important point - REPENTANCE! Without repentance there can be no restoration or healing - repentance is a change of mind, you no longer seek to do things your way but to walk and live God's way.

I really believe that we need to take a step back and look at the situation and ask God to show us what He is doing, what He wants us to see. The Church in North America is in decline and I wonder why has He chosen this moment in time to bring into the light an ugliness within the Church. People will say he is such a great speaker, he handles the word of God so well, here in the comments: "James preaching simple, uncomplicated messages". Well these simple, uncomplicated messages did absolutely nothing to bring James into a right relationship with God and Jesus Christ. A man who is truly under the headship of Jesus Christ could not act the way James acts, do what James has done, or take what James has taken. You never want to be lead by a man who practices such great wickedness. I wonder what the apostle Paul would say about all this - I can't imagine how much sorrow this has brought to the heart of God Himself!

We need to pray for James but we also need to pray for all the elders who were complicit in covering up and/or encouraging all of James disgraceful behaviours.


he pulled the wool over my eyes. Wolf in sheep's clothing.


So many comments reflect “Praying for James.” How many years will it take for those of you who say “Fallen Pastor” to pay attention to those of us who were Members?


Eyes on Jesus Christ ...don, t lose focus...it's not about men.


I will pray for all the VICTIMS and their families at HBC.


Thank you for your discussion on this topic. I've been having discussions with other YouTubers that have been discussing this situation. You are the only ones I have heard speak the same way as I have on this topic. Just because someone falls, does not negate all the good and works done by that person prior to falling. Christians are so quick to judge a leader by tossing out everything the person has done in Christ. Christians forget, we would need to toss out major parts of scripture for the same reason these Christians judge other Christians today.


The elders have failed to prevent this outcome with a more pro active development mentality
They can fire him but they should be fired


This is why you don’t try God, he will either take away everything or take you out, period!! Just stay in the word of God and pray DO NOT follow any man or woman...


This was incredible. Thank you so much.


Quote: "We don't celebrate this..." I take the view of "I celebrate this" because those "church" leaders/elders FINALLY grew a pair and took action. The "board" is just as guilty as James MacDonald. I "celebrate this" because it's Truth triumphing and satan being defeated...again. "God NEVER TOLD US to build church buildings for a 'church'." Think.


I have belonged to Harvest, I felt it was run more like a corporation then the way a church should run.😥


Judgment begins in the house of GOD. First Willow Creek, now Harvest.
