All Your Meshtastic Problems Solved! - Off Grid Comms

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Just relearning all the problems that plagued the AX.25 network all those years ago.


Really Great video! Something to explore would be to change your radio configuration from LongFast to one of the higher bandwidth configurations. I'd bet with the kind of density in your area, Medium Fast won't have much difference in terms of range but has nearly 2.5x the capacity. Other configurations are available with even more capacity. All very worth while to try out in your area.


_Kinda_ good to know that in certain areas of the UK Meshtastic *so popular* people are actually having this issue.
It's slowly growing in the Bucks/Aylesbury area. As usual we there's always a need for node on high ground that can bridge poor line-of-sight.


This is exactly the same problem that we had with AX25 and Tcip/IP over radio in the 1980's on the amatuer bands. More an more people started to use the frequency and increased the power output and reception range on AX25.(I have already seen colineers for 868 mHz being sold online for meshtastic units). We changed to TCP/iP in 1984. This was to utilise netmasking organise the link into the network into counties and formalise super routes via point to point systems on the gHz bands. Hands up who remembers the "Tiny 2" or the Kenwood 9600 bd TNC's?


We're starting to see the same issues here in southern California and it's being discussed on the local Discord channel. Sharing this video there today since it is definitely something densely populated areas are going to have to deal with more as more people get involved. Thanks for putting this one together Lewis.


I still think it's very neat, and I don't regret buying one, but I'm in Georgia in the US, and I haven't come across another one yet. Even driving through Atlanta and spot checking some areas that I thought for sure I would find something, no luck. I realized it might be a problem when my local ham radio guys were only vaguely aware of them. I figure if they're not using them locally, no one is around here.


Alternative video title : "All The Meshtastic Problems I Caused Last Week In Greater Manchester, Solved..."


I was doing "meshtastic" things in the 1990s on 2 metres packet radio, using a Yaesu FT209 with AEA PK88 packet terminal connected to my Amiga.


Great video as always dude ....thought you may have mentioned MQTT in saturated areas is a bandwidth killer too 😊


0:03 - are you having trouble sleeping, due to an over-active mesh? 😂😂😂


There is absolutely nobody near me, I wish I had your problems, lol


Nice update video, there needs to be some concensus on MQTT usage flooding the network here in Blighty, God bless.


Also, may have been helpful to mention the GPS Update Interval. Having it set similar to the Bacon timings, unless it's a mobile until.


I've heard if you have multiple nodes or you're in an area with a lot of other nearby nodes, setting them to use the "client_mute" role can help reduce congestion as they won't function as repeaters in that role, only as endpoints.


I just learned about this tech, and it seemed interesting. I was disappointed that there were not many nodes around my city, but even more distressed after seeing this video and realizing how few people the network can support once it becomes popular.


250 in your area?! Finally, after a week (which is how long I’ve been running my two nodes) another one showed up as of yesterday, with the repeater and a client. So now I see two other than the ones that I have.


This is an almost ineviable upshot of a popular network especially so with little flow control meshing and a common medium like a 10base2 network in the 90's ..Good one for putting this video out to mitigate the geometric rate that data increases on the network as it gets more popular!!


I am new this week to this and am in the north west, It's more messtastic at the moment. I started 3 days ago now and got a 35 mile contact for my first. Was great. It's been a mess as it only take a couple to have MQTT on and I have been told it kills it. It's still been fun and as I am up at weird times of the night I was able to make another 35 mile contact last night. I am still indoors on a 7 inch (ish) antenna but showing nodes 45 miles away. It's pretty remarkable.

I have noticed a lot of people calling for a radio check and I think too many people may be replying and from too far away (I am guilty of this). Maybe don't answer any radio checks unless it's within a few miles of you, maybe 5 miles if it's a quieter area or time.


Meshtadtic might be fun, but all this shows the downside of this for emergencies 😂 Imagine 😮


Thanks for another informative video Lewis. What’s the Heltec V3 case repeatedly featured in the video please (the one on the cover image for the video)?
