A 'Do it Before You Sit Down' Approach to Getting Stuff Done

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Most often, once I sit down in a comfy chair, I lose all the day’s momentum and motivation. Adopting a “do it before you even sit down” mentality, on the other hand, captures my remaining energy from the workday.

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I love that you are so concise with your messages. You don't go on and on to get your point across. It's always a good message and I appreciate it's simplicity. Thank you.


I do this when I return from a trip. I don't sit down until I have unpacked my suitcase.


Back in the 90s I was a hospice nurse and had two young children. My job was mentally and emotionally demanding but I found that I had to keep the momentum going when I got home. I had nursing notes to review, dinner to cook, kids' homework and baths to oversee, clothing to lay out, laundry to wash and a kitchen to clean. Only after all that was done and the kids in bed did I dare to sit down and relax a bit. I'm now 60 years old and so very glad I'm no longer living that hectic life. :)


I think there are many moms out there who already do this: rush home get dinner going, cleanup, throw a load on the wash, all the while helping kids with homework, popping out to drive a kid to a lesson or sport, then get home, get kids to bed, throw the clothes into the dryer sort the clothes that were in the dryer, pay some bills, catch up on emails, prep lunches and dinner, collapse into bed.


That is so true! Once you are sitting down it is hard to get going again!


Love this! I've also found that if a small at-home task pops into my head I should get up right then and do it. Another thing I do - I take a med that requires me to wait 30 minutes to eat...so I've used that time several days in a row to go through my closet.


This is what i learned to do.Having 4 kids taught me this😀


Great advice. I make tomorrow's lunch, set out workout clothes, and have Bible study with my kids right away because it sets me up for success and before we are all running in different directions in the evening.


My Mom always had great advice for organization also, I think a well-known one " a place for everything and everything in its place" But more relevant to this video is she would suggest never leaving a room without bringing something out of it ie. a plate, or something you brought in to use and then need to put back...essentially it helps you because you only have to do one task not letting them pile up.


Yes, Ive been trying this too and it works. I do it before I sit down with coffee in the morning - I sweep the kitchen floor and make sure the counters are clear while the coffee is brewing. It might seem like a weird time to do these activities but they do get done every day now and I don't notice the time they take.


I do this EVERYTIME I come in because once I sit down it's all over. lol
It truly is an effective way to complete tasks and it keeps your mind relaxed for the rest of the evening once you are done.


This is absolutely the best advice. If I take my shoes off and sit down after getting home from work/wherever...getting back up again to Do The Thing is probably not going to happen.


"Hey Honey, while I'm making dinner, would you mind tearing down that load-bearing wall?" 😂❤


I always try to do things (that I know need doing) as soon as I get in from work as I know I am likely to get them done but if I sit down and have a cup of tea then I am done and lose the motivation to then start again.


Great video Josh! I am motivated after listening. That’s what I do, I sit down and the world (mine) is done for the day!😂😂


some thing I do ...no mater how I'm tired, I do dishes as soon as I finish eating bcz if I sit down this task will be heavy on me....esp I don't like to use the dish washer unless there is a party or so.


Thanks to the encouragement from my favorite YouTubers like Joshua, The Minimal Mom, and Clutterbug, I’ve developed so many good habits. My home is simplified and peaceful.


So true...I try to remind myself that it's just a few minutes in my day, and then I can reward myself with reading or outside time doing something enjoyable. When you get the task out of the way, you truly can enjoy your evening to the fullest. Happy Resurrection Day to your family! 😊


Great advice, saves a lot of problems later.


I have always done this. Before I sit down in the evening, after dinner is done I will tidy, put laundry on, take out the laundry in dryer and get the next load ready for washing to put on before bed. So when I come down the next morning I feel like I have a head start on the day. So when I get up I take another laundry load down and change over. We are a family of 6 and I need to do at least 3 loads of laundry a day to keep on top of it. Small things make a big win🎉
