One driver DESTROYED the others (Best Drivers of 2024 Face Off) | Build My Bag

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In this video I take the best drivers of 2024 and put them head to head, I WAS SHOCKED by the result. One of these drivers destroyed the others and will be named the best in the world 2024! The Build My Bag series sees the best equipment in the world facing off to win a spot in my bag.

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The best part of this video is that it wasn’t 30 minutes and every part of the video got directly to the point. Great job!


Thanks Pete! I think it’s been long enough that we may need look at all drivers in the last 5 years and see which would be ideal on a budget. Then we could look at not only performance vs new, but also durability.


Great, concise breakdown of how you selected your driver for '24. Not overly surprised with QFTO and needing accuracy. The G430 10K does sound like a real unicorn. Nice job team. Look forward to the rest of the WITB series!


Peter, how has your channel not got over a million subscribers. You are one of the best you tube channels on golf. Always enjoy them. Great review and hope the Ping does the job.


I am envious of you Pete been able to test a drivers over several sessions. This is something I think us regular golfers don't get the luxury. Normally you get a 30-60min session then you have to make a decision. Would be nice if pro's and shops would let you have a demo to trial in real life situations not just in a simulator.


Love the format here. Easy to follow the logic and the points Pete is making but doesn’t take forever to get to the point


From another review of the Ping 430 Max 10k the reviewer said that Ping have managed to not only make it forgiving it has also managed to keep the spin down. Being forgiving usually means high spin which leads to less distance. Ping has managed to lower the spin and to keep up with the QI10 and Callaway Max for distance. Quite a feat I reckon, deserves to be in your bag.


I knew exactly where this video was going when I saw the G430 Max 10k was in third for ball speed. Great video and really informative!


Great video - I would have guessed the Ping 10K from your v first review of it - seemed to suit you immediately!


Very fair review! Your assessment matches others that I have seen and it legitimizes you are as a good source. Well done and thanks.


Being a scratch golfer in 2019 due to putting & chipping & my awesome 2 wood original 1 TaylorMade mini driver that will never leave my bag for its low sping accuracy versatility of the deck .
I have always struggled with driver when used .
But i have always wanted a driver with total forgiveness more than anything & accuracy a little bit more than my 2 wood would be incredible
This Ping when i saw it in Drummond golf i absolutely loved it have not tried it yet .
But loved the feed back on this pete

I remember when jason day just recently put into his bag & boy did he put on a stripe show .


Havent had a chance to try any of this years models out yet but I’ve really been impressed by what everyone is saying about the Ping. Really looking forward to trying it out.


I would guess you’re finding the center more often with the Ping because of the heavier head weight. Could also be the shape, who knows? But I always loved the slightly heavier head weight Ping offers.


This is the best concise “new” driver review I have seen in a long time. Nicely done & many thanks


Great video! I love that you really wanted the TaylorMade to win but you still stuck with your guns and chose the correct driver for you. Very unbiased video and that’s why you deserve a follow and more people watching your content! Good stuff!
Also I just bought the Ping Max 10k after getting fit for it and it’s amazing!! Finally a driver I feel confident using.
Keep up the great work!


Love your videos, Peter! 👍 Been a long time subscriber, and this is the reason why. Honest reviews that give everyone valuable information. You rock, buddy! Cheers from Canada 🇨🇦


It's going in my bag. I truly appreciate your review of all these drivers. It made my decision easier with your reviews.


You are just a beautiful person in the game of golf! I try to mirror your sweet swing personally, however, your ability to pure any club in your "bag" is just gorgeous! Thank you for the content you're so amazing, you make golf fun again. let's get the open!


I love Cobra clubs and recently bought a Cobra Driver F9. I'm hitting the fairways more consistently and further 🙏


Peter, I have to say, when I started watching you years ago, I wasn''t really feeling it. I subscribed, then unsubscribed. However, now I am very much enjoying your segments. Time has made you very comfortable in this format. I appreciate your work and your perspectives. You ARE the man after all. Thank you, sir, for sticking with it. and creating such useful and enjoyable content. SUBSCRIBED
