How to Install MongoDB on Mac | Install MongoDB on macOS (2024)
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🍏📦 **No Homebrew Needed: How to Install MongoDB on Mac (M1, M2, M3, MacBook Pro, MacBook Air) Without Homebrew and Configure in Zsh!** 🚀🖥️
If you prefer not to use Homebrew, you can manually download and install MongoDB on your Mac. Additionally, we'll cover setting up MongoDB in the Zsh shell.
🌟 **Step-by-Step Guide:**
1. **Download MongoDB:**
2. **Extract the Archive:**
3. **Move MongoDB to /usr/local:**
- Move the extracted MongoDB folder to `/usr/local` for easier access:
sudo mv mongodb-osx-ssl-x86_64-4.x.x /usr/local/mongodb
4. **Create Data Directory:**
- MongoDB requires a data directory. Create one using:
sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/var/mongodb
5. **Set Permissions:**
- Set proper permissions for the data directory:
sudo chown -R $(whoami) /usr/local/var/mongodb
6. **Add MongoDB Binaries to PATH:**
- To access MongoDB from any location in the terminal, add the MongoDB binaries to your shell's PATH. If you're using Zsh, edit your Zsh configuration file (usually `~/.zshrc`):
nano ~/.zshrc
Add the following line at the end:
export PATH="/usr/local/mongodb/bin:$PATH"
Save and exit.
7. **Restart Zsh or Source the Configuration:**
- Restart Zsh or source the updated configuration:
source ~/.zshrc
8. **Start MongoDB:**
- Start MongoDB by running:
mongod --dbpath /usr/local/var/mongodb
9. **Verify Installation:**
- Open a new terminal window and run the MongoDB shell:
You should see the MongoDB shell prompt.
10. **Explore MongoDB:**
- You're ready to explore MongoDB! Use commands like `show dbs` and `use your_database_name` to get started.
11. **Stop MongoDB (Optional):**
- If you want to stop MongoDB, press **Ctrl + C** in the terminal where MongoDB is running.
🚀 **Additional Tips:**
- **Configure MongoDB as a Service (Optional):**
- To run MongoDB as a service, create a launch agent plist file. Refer to the MongoDB documentation for detailed instructions.
- **Upgrade MongoDB Version:**
- To upgrade MongoDB, download the latest version, repeat the installation steps, and replace the old binaries.
🍃 **Congratulations! You've successfully installed MongoDB on your Mac without Homebrew and configured it to work seamlessly with Zsh!**
🍃 **Hashtags:**
#MongoDB #MacOS #DatabaseInstallation #TechTutorial #NoHomebrew #ZshConfiguration #DevelopmentEnvironment #ManualInstallation #TechHowTo
If you prefer not to use Homebrew, you can manually download and install MongoDB on your Mac. Additionally, we'll cover setting up MongoDB in the Zsh shell.
🌟 **Step-by-Step Guide:**
1. **Download MongoDB:**
2. **Extract the Archive:**
3. **Move MongoDB to /usr/local:**
- Move the extracted MongoDB folder to `/usr/local` for easier access:
sudo mv mongodb-osx-ssl-x86_64-4.x.x /usr/local/mongodb
4. **Create Data Directory:**
- MongoDB requires a data directory. Create one using:
sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/var/mongodb
5. **Set Permissions:**
- Set proper permissions for the data directory:
sudo chown -R $(whoami) /usr/local/var/mongodb
6. **Add MongoDB Binaries to PATH:**
- To access MongoDB from any location in the terminal, add the MongoDB binaries to your shell's PATH. If you're using Zsh, edit your Zsh configuration file (usually `~/.zshrc`):
nano ~/.zshrc
Add the following line at the end:
export PATH="/usr/local/mongodb/bin:$PATH"
Save and exit.
7. **Restart Zsh or Source the Configuration:**
- Restart Zsh or source the updated configuration:
source ~/.zshrc
8. **Start MongoDB:**
- Start MongoDB by running:
mongod --dbpath /usr/local/var/mongodb
9. **Verify Installation:**
- Open a new terminal window and run the MongoDB shell:
You should see the MongoDB shell prompt.
10. **Explore MongoDB:**
- You're ready to explore MongoDB! Use commands like `show dbs` and `use your_database_name` to get started.
11. **Stop MongoDB (Optional):**
- If you want to stop MongoDB, press **Ctrl + C** in the terminal where MongoDB is running.
🚀 **Additional Tips:**
- **Configure MongoDB as a Service (Optional):**
- To run MongoDB as a service, create a launch agent plist file. Refer to the MongoDB documentation for detailed instructions.
- **Upgrade MongoDB Version:**
- To upgrade MongoDB, download the latest version, repeat the installation steps, and replace the old binaries.
🍃 **Congratulations! You've successfully installed MongoDB on your Mac without Homebrew and configured it to work seamlessly with Zsh!**
🍃 **Hashtags:**
#MongoDB #MacOS #DatabaseInstallation #TechTutorial #NoHomebrew #ZshConfiguration #DevelopmentEnvironment #ManualInstallation #TechHowTo