Yodza - Leptiri

Показать описание
Tekst: Jovan Yodza Radulović
Muzika: Jovan Yodza Radulović
Aranžman: Vuk Tošković Toško
Mix/Master: Vuk Tošković Toško

• Music Video:
Directed By - Jovan Yodza Radulović
Director of Photography - Andrija Mihajlović Lima, Katarina Bijelić
Edit By - Jovan Yodza Radulović, Rista Milutinović
Color - Katarina Bijelić, Andrija Mihajlović Lima, Jovan Yodza Radulović
Thumbnail/Artwork - Sergej Tama Hrvojević

🤍💎: Miloš Simeunović, Rista Milutinović, Uroš Drobac, Jovana Sijerković,
Andrija Mandić, Bogdan Djurović, Teo Franklin, Matija Ilić, Aleksa Kangrga,
Petar Djordjevic, Marta Petričević, Mila Protić, Nikola Savić.

• Instagram:

• Stream & Download:
Рекомендации по теме

The song 🗿
The beat 🗿
The creator 🗿
The producer 🗿
The instrumental 🗿
The software used to create this beat 🗿
The synthesizers 🗿
The drums 🗿
The bassline 🗿
The guitar riff 🗿
The background melodies 🗿
The sound effects 🗿
The sound engineers 🗿
The autotune 🗿
The studio where it was recorded 🗿
The recording booth 🗿
The microphone 🗿
The mixing board 🗿
The mastering process 🗿
The final touches 🗿
The speakers blasting the sound 🗿
The headphones 🗿
The earbuds 🗿
The phone playing the track 🗿
The Bluetooth connection 🗿
The AUX cord 🗿
The radio stations broadcasting it 🗿
The vibrations in the air 🗿
The sound waves 🗿
The subwoofer thumping 🗿
The car stereo booming 🗿
The vibrations in the walls 🗿
The windows rattling 🗿
The ones listening to it 🗿
The neurons firing in your brain as you vibe to it 🗿
The dopamine surge 🗿
The adrenaline rush 🗿
The goosebumps 🗿
The fans cheering 🗿
The viewers on YouTube 🗿
The thumbs up on the video 🗿
The comments left by fans 🗿
The pinned comment 🗿
The one who commented first 🗿
The guy who got ratio'd 🗿
The first person who heard it 🗿
The person who replayed it 50 times 🗿
The guy who added it to his playlist 🗿
The person who saved it offline 🗿
The one who recommended it to his friends 🗿
The one who shared it in a group chat 🗿
The people bobbing their heads 🗿
The guy lip-syncing 🗿
The DJs spinning this track 🗿
The party where this was the vibe 🗿
The house party shaking with the beat 🗿
The concert where it was played 🗿
The rave where the lights matched the music 🗿
The crowd jumping to the beat 🗿
The stage lights 🗿
The speakers on stage 🗿
The pyrotechnics 🗿
The laser lights 🗿
The fog machine 🗿
The fireworks in the background 🗿
The mosh pit forming 🗿
The people getting hyped 🗿
The hands up in the air 🗿
The festival where this track was played 🗿
The afterparty 🗿
The Uber ride home blasting it 🗿
The person humming the melody 🗿
The muscle contractions making you dance 🗿
The people posting fire emojis 🗿
The GIF reactions 🗿
The comments section 🗿
The algorithms pushing this to the top 🗿
The YouTube trending page 🗿
The Spotify viral charts 🗿
The people sharing it on social media 🗿
The Instagram stories 🗿
The TikTok videos 🗿
The reels 🗿
The algorithms pushing it further 🗿
The fan-made remixes 🗿
The nightcore version 🗿
The slowed + reverb version 🗿
The 1-hour loop 🗿
The fans listening on repeat 🗿
The house shaking from the bass 🗿
The car subwoofer booming 🗿
The windows vibrating 🗿
The neighbors complaining 🗿
The people putting it on during a party 🗿
The road trips with this on repeat 🗿
The Spotify Wrapped featuring this track 🗿
The year-end list 🗿
The workout playlist 🗿
The gym bros blasting it during sets 🗿
The headphones on full blast 🗿
The Bluetooth speakers in the park 🗿
The person running to the beat 🗿
The joggers 🗿
The cyclists 🗿
The gym 🗿
The squat rack 🗿
The leg press 🗿
The dumbbells 🗿
The barbells 🗿
The kettlebells 🗿
The bench press 🗿
The incline bench 🗿
The rowing machine 🗿
The spin bike 🗿
The treadmills 🗿
The elliptical 🗿
The weights clanking 🗿
The gym bros grunting 🗿
The cardio section 🗿
The squat racks 🗿
The weight plates 🗿
The chalk for gripping 🗿
The protein shakes 🗿
The supplements 🗿
The jars of creatine 🗿
The jars of BCAAs 🗿
The pre-workout 🗿
The protein powder 🗿
The protein bars 🗿
The energy drinks 🗿
The guy hitting a PR 🗿
The high-fives after hitting a new personal record 🗿
The gym shoes 🗿
The wrist wraps 🗿
The lifting belts 🗿
The gym clothes 🗿
The sweatbands 🗿
The shaker bottles 🗿
The gym bags 🗿
The powerlifting chalk 🗿
The Bluetooth headphones 🗿
The earbuds falling out mid-set 🗿
The veins popping 🗿
The sweat dripping 🗿
The sweat-soaked shirt 🗿
The adrenaline kicking in 🗿
The guy doing extra reps 🗿
The steam room after a workout 🗿
The sauna 🗿
The cold showers 🗿
The post-workout soreness 🗿
The foam roller 🗿
The massage guns 🗿
The stretching mats 🗿
The mirrors reflecting those gains 🗿
The bodyweight exercises 🗿
The jump rope 🗿
The planks 🗿
The pull-up bar 🗿
The gym lockers 🗿
The water fountains 🗿
The vending machines 🗿
The pre-made meals 🗿
The high-protein snacks 🗿
The electrolytes 🗿
The calorie counters 🗿
The workout apps 🗿
The fitness challenges 🗿
The gym membership 🗿
The recovery drinks 🗿
The post-workout smoothies 🗿
The sports massages 🗿
The muscle fibers repairing 🗿
The anabolic window 🗿
The soreness after leg day 🗿
The PRs being broken 🗿
The progress photos 🗿
The gym selfies 🗿
The Instagram posts of gains 🗿
The comments on those posts 🗿
The likes on those posts 🗿
The shares 🗿
The stories reposting gym goals 🗿
The fitness influencers 🗿
The workout tutorials 🗿
The lifting PRs 🗿
The macros 🗿
The meal prep 🗿
The calories burned 🗿
The fitness challenges 🗿
The daily workout streak 🗿
The biceps flexing 🗿
The veins bulging 🗿
The protein-rich meals 🗿
The supplements 🗿
The people saying "one more set" 🗿
The squat depth 🗿
The motivational quotes 🗿
The workout music blasting in the background 🗿
The gym attire 🗿
The leggings 🗿
The sweat-wicking shirts 🗿
The tank tops 🗿
The sports bras 🗿
The lifting gloves 🗿
The resistance bands 🗿
The yoga mats 🗿
The end of the universe 🗿
The beginning of the next 🗿
The dark matter around it 🗿
The supermassive black hole 🗿
The expansion of space 🗿
The time dilation felt while vibing 🗿
The energy permeating everything 🗿
The strings of reality vibrating 🗿
The particles dancing to the frequency 🗿
The quantum fields affected 🗿
The Big Bang itself 🗿
The gravity of the situation 🗿
The speed of light being surpassed 🗿
The wormholes opening 🗿
The alternate realities formed 🗿
The cosmic dance of galaxies 🗿
The infinite potential of existence 🗿
The birth of stars as this plays 🗿
The cosmic dust swirling 🗿
The nebulae glowing 🗿
The fusion reactions ignited by this song 🗿
The pulsars pulsing to the rhythm 🗿
The supernovas exploding in sync 🗿
The black holes warping space-time 🗿
The quasar beams slicing through galaxies 🗿
The cosmic radiation vibrating 🗿
The entire universe humming with the beat 🗿
The parallel realities merging 🗿
The time loops repeating this song 🗿
The multiverse syncing to this frequency 🗿
The fourth dimension bending around it 🗿
The fifth-dimensional beings nodding their heads 🗿
The strings of the universe vibrating with every note 🗿
The quantum entanglement happening between listeners 🗿
The gravitational waves caused by the bass 🗿
The energy of every atom responding 🗿
The dark energy accelerating its expansion 🗿
The curvature of space bending around the sound 🗿
The cosmic background radiation absorbing the melody 🗿
The dimensions beyond our understanding feeling this 🗿
The philosophers contemplating its meaning 🗿
The poets writing verses inspired by it 🗿
The artists painting to the sound of the beat 🗿
The dancers moving in perfect sync 🗿
The actors making cinematic masterpieces with this in the background 🗿
The screenwriters crafting epic scenes set to this song 🗿
The novelists writing entire sagas inspired by its rhythm 🗿
The architects designing buildings that pulse with its beat 🗿
The cities shaped by the energy of this track 🗿
The lights of the world flickering to its tempo 🗿
The oceans rising and falling with the flow 🗿
The tides pulled by the gravitational pull of this song 🗿
The winds across the world swirling in sync 🗿
The essence of life itself flowing through the melody 🗿
The fabric of reality stretching as the song pulses 🗿
The energy in every atom accelerating 🗿
The vibrations of the universe reaching their peak 🗿
The infinite possibilities unfolding with every beat 🗿
The ultimate truth of existence being revealed 🗿
The very meaning of life unraveling in the song 🗿
The purpose of everything aligning with the rhythm 🗿
The cosmos awakening to its true nature 🗿
The divine spark within all beings igniting 🗿
The universe itself ascending 🗿
The final realization that we are all one with the beat 🗿
me 🗿
you 🗿
ur girlfriend 🗿
ur dog 🗿
ohio sigmas 🗿
mr beast followers 🗿
gymrats 🗿
average phonk user 🗿
ur skills 🗿
the people 🗿
my homie 🗿
ur food 🗿
People who liked this comment 🗿


Čet'ri il' pet, ako zafali još štek
Neće moći da ih vrati ni Papa ni Sveti Svet!!! ❤‍🔥❤‍🔥❤‍🔥


"Madji su malo spremniji,
Zive jedan dannn,
Zato zovemo ih leptiri!"
Kakav vibe pokidala pjesma


Talenat pre svega !!! Prva četiri reda u opisu pesme govore sve! Yodža i Toško! Iako sam možda mator za ove momke, želim da iskažem svoje duboko poštovanje 🙏👼. Molim vas, nemojte da stajete, i hvala na divnoj muzici ! ! !


[Tekst pesme "Leptiri"]

(Toško, pusti mi Yodžu)

[Strofa 1]
Previše je para, a ni dana robije
Brine, zvoni 'fon, a ne može da me dobije
I videla je problem i sad ima fobije
Bebe, nije ovo nasilje, samo jurim emporijer
Braća su u bloku, i dalje su na ćošku
Ne pominji stotku - za nju će da te roknu
I nije nam problem ako rolaš sporije
Jer znaju da se vreba čim Montana Tony je
Rampa ispred kuće treba, ako ne bi bam-bam
Bebe, banka se obrne za dan-dva
Uzmemo pazar, pa igramo se razlaz
A šta ti treba, sine? Znaš da zna mе svaka nakaza
Za kad si zakazan? Do kad ti je rok?
Ako ne strefi tе metak, možda strefiće te šok
Ne mrdaj ni metar, svakom glava je u torbi
Neki se bore, neki nestanu u borbi

A ja bi' da me povedeš
Samo bi' da pobegnem
Jer ovde nema promene
Nisam siguran, kô da nešto stiže po mene
(Mm, bebe, ne, ne) Mene jure nemiri
A trudim se da se ne vidi
Mlađi su malo spremniji i žive jedan dan
Zato zovemo ih "Leptiri"

Čet'ri il' pet, ako zafali još štek
Neće moći da ih vrati ni Papa ni Sveti Svet
Imam rezervisan let ako po mom ne krene
Samo da se sete ko sam bio, a ko ne

[Strofa 2]
Nemoj da me pominješ i nemoj da me snimaš
Džaba šalješ bitove, bruda, nema tu feat-a
I ne čeka me lova, mene čeka suza [?]
Nismo mi ortaci, bruda, svi ste mi debili, ye
Samo budi živ i budi plaćen
Ako ima torbu, odma' bude praćen
Neki će Napapijri taj jedva da plate
Neki će i u grobu da nose Versace

A ja bi' da me povedeš
Samo bi' da pobegnem
Jer ovde nema promene
Nisam siguran, kô da nešto stiže po mene
(Mm, bebe, ne, ne) Mene jure nemiri
A trudim se da se ne vidi
Mlađi su malo spremniji i žive jedan dan
Zato zovemo ih "Leptiri"


Je li, ko će da kaže ovom dečku da je ova pesma početak njegove slave? Svaka čast.


Kako je ovo brutalno, kapa do poda-svaka čast brate moj <3


Prvi put te slusam, brate nerealan talenat, svaka cast predobar vajb


Bravo Jodza ❤ samo napred ❤ samo nizi uspeha ❤ sve zasluzeno❤❤❤❤❤


Svaka cast, dobar drop.... Kidalica 🔥🔥🔥


Zao mi je sto ti nema vise pregleda a dobra je bas pesma
