Biden gets emotional hearing nurse's story

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President-elect Joe Biden criticized the Trump administration for failing to ascertain the election so his transition team can receive access to necessary information and be prepared to tackle the pandemic beginning on day one. #CNN #News
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listen to those words: "living in fear of the president". the GOP should be ashamed of themselves


Whether you’re republican or democratic, we are all gonna die if the government doesn’t come together and it’s sick to watch people fight like children
Edit : I’m not red or blue I’m just a human 😂 everyone talking bout “creepy joe” or “ government scary” etc ... this is why our country is the way it is, every one wants to point fingers and not see things for what’s really happening 🤷‍♂️


Wow a President that actually cares about people, not just himself. How refreshing that is.


Even though Trump lost or hes fighting to win, why isn't he doing his Job. Hes nowere to be found. Hes showing his true colors.


I worry for President Biden, he looks tired and stressed already. The Job his has in front of him is so enormous, he should be getting all the help he needs right away. He stands there trying his hardest to get things done for the people to stop covid-19, when the old president who has made this crisis as big as it is, sits in the white house playing on his phone. As far as i am concerned Donald and his lackey's are committing genocide.
TWITTER is allowing this..outrageous!


It’s so nice to see a human headed to the whitehouse again.


Congress should put the president out of office, now.


I like Biden.

I'm a republican.


Biden shows empathy .... a trait Trump does not possess


The White House’s National Security Council, the Pentagon’s Joint Staff and the Defense Intelligence Agency were all briefed multiple times on the impacts of the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan, China, as early as late November 2019. The National Center for Medical Intelligence (NCMI) reported changing patterns of life and business around Wuhan. The report was the result of analysis of wire and computer intercepts, coupled with satellite images. It raised alarms because an out-of-control disease would pose a serious threat to U.S. forces in Asia. Analysts concluded it could be a ‘cataclysmic event’. Instead, Trump wasted over 3 months calling it a hoax.

Harry S.Truman, a real US President had a sign on the Resolute Desk that said “The buck stops here”, meaning the President has to make the decisions, and accept the ultimate responsibility for those decisions.

If Trump as so-called Commander-in-Chief had responded appropriately, and if the 'Cult of Trump' and QAnon followers rather than listening to Trump's lies and carrying on like a bunch of spoiled children, had used common sense and worn masks and observed social distancing, 11, 873, 863 would NOT have become infected, and 256, 262 American civilians would still be alive today.

Donald Trump is responsible for the 'Negligent Homicide' of 256, 262 American civilians. Negligent homicide is the killing of another person through gross negligence or without malice. Negligent homicide is a criminal charge brought against a person who, through criminal negligence, allows another person to die.

Intelligence report warned of Coronavirus crisis as early as November
"Analysts concluded it could be a cataclysmic event, " a source said.

Thanks to some ignorant Americans insistence of NOT wearing a mask, one American is still being infected by SARS CoV2 every single second of every day, and one American is dying from COVID-19 every single minute of every day. 256, 262 dead American civilians! Think about that! That's more than all the deaths combined for World War I, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, both Gulf Wars, the war in Afghanistan, the Revolutionary War, the War of 1812, the Mexican-American War, the Spanish-American War, and the Indian Wars combined. That's also well over half of all Americans that died in World War 2, and 86 times all those killed at the World Trade Center on 9/11.

To put it in perspective, let's compare it to other major conflicts and medical catastrophes.

400: Desert Storm, 1990-1991
1, 000: Indian Wars
2, 300: War of 1812, 1812-1815
2, 400: War in Afghanistan, 2003-
2, 400: Spanish-American War, 1898-1902
3, 000: 9/11/2001
4, 400: Iraq War, 2003-2010
4, 400: Revolutionary War, 1775-1783
13, 300: Mexican-American War, 1846-1848
36, 600: Korean War, 1950-1953
55, 700: Flu/Pandemic, 2017
58, 200: Vietnam War, 1964-1975
100, 000: 1968 Pandemic
116, 000: H2N2 Flu, 1957-1958
116, 500: World War 1, 1917-1918
121, 400: Alzheimer's, 2017
256, 262 (or 86 x 9/11's deaths): Coronavirus SARS-CoV2 COVID-19, as of 11/18/2020
405, 400: World War 2, 1941-1945
618, 200: Civil War, 1861-1865
675, 000: Spanish Flu, 1918-1920

This is the leader that Trump sycophants fawn over. The cult of personality hero who is in fact a narcissistic moron.

Trump is an utter failure, but 'Cult of Trump' worshipers and QAnon conspiracy theorists just won’t accept it. These foolish people are determined to help Trump destroy the country, and turn it into a neo-fascist state.

H.L. Mencken predicted this 100 years ago. “As democracy is perfected, the office of the President represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day, the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last, and the White House will be occupied by a downright fool and a complete narcissistic moron.”
– H.L. Mencken The Baltimore Evening Sun July 26th, 1920.

Warren Buffett was right when he said “How can you soar with the eagles when you’re too busy flapping around with the turkeys”.


The cowardice of firing someone by tweet is mind boggling.


I don't like Trump or Biden. But at least Biden has the ability to show compassion.


This is how a real president should act a president with a heart ♡


Donald Trump has never been interested in good governance, to the contrary.


Dislikes? Seriously?!?! Good grief 🙄 What happened to common decency in this country?


This is so sad someone has to put a stop to this "president" acting like a child people are dying!!! Do you get it they are dying this isn't a joke get him out now !!!!


If he does not pass the relivant information he should be charged with neglect and not taking the pandemic seriously more People will die cos of trump...


"The President is working hard" on his Golf swing 😖


I was a registered nurse for 23 years. Please wear a mask, wash your hands frequently, social distance and do not touch your face without washing your hands first. No one understands what people are going through. You can’t understand unless you have spent time in an ER, ICU and Covid units around the nation. I am heartbroken 💔 knowing if we had testing, contact tracing and were wearing masks from the very beginning we could have saved so many lives. It is something I never thought would happen in America. Stay safe and healthy people. Aloha, love and peace from Hawaii. ♥️🌈✌️


He’s staying at the White House because he’s afraid they won’t let him back in. Lol 😂
