How To Make A Comeback After You've Let People Down

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A bad reputation can be reversed, and it's possible to make a comeback after you've let others down. In this video you'll learn 3 smart ways to repair the damage and fix a bad reputation.
1. Take a walk in their shoes. List all the people you've let down and how your actions affected them. This is a great way to see their perspective and will help you fix a bad reputation by communicating clearly.
2. Have a heart to heart and, put it in writing. Whether it's in person or over the phone, try this script to fix a bad reputation and make a comeback:
"As you know, last year was rough and while I'm thrilled to be back -- it may be hard for you to trust me again. I apologize for the problems I caused and you have my word, it will never happen again. I'm committed to this company and to its success. In fact, here's my plan to make sure it never does, and here's what I'll do to make it up to you, if you'll give me the chance."
3. Don't talk about it, be about it. Actions speak louder than words when you're trying to repair a bad reputation. Take the focus off what others might think and be a pro about it. Remember, people love a good comeback!
Have you ever had to make a comeback and repair a bad reputation? How did you do it?
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