Add Text Behind Objects in Premiere Pro | No Masking | Premiere Pro Tutorial

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In this tutorial I show you how to add text or anything you want behind objects in premiere pro without using any plugins. This method uses a built-in effect called paint bucket and a few tricks to remove the background and add text, shapes, logos and more. This video includes: add text behind objects in premiere pro, add text behind objects, text behind objects premiere pro, premiere pro tutorial, premiere pro, video editing, premiere pro add text behind objects, add text behind objects in premiere, premiere text behind objects, text behind, text behind tutorial, tutorial, paint bucket effect, no plugins, add text behind objects without masking, add text behind objects no masking required, premiere pro text behind without masking, beginner tutorial, easy tutorial, remove background premiere pro, remove background tutorial, text behind object tutorial, 1 click remove background, how to remove background in premiere pro, no masking.
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#premierepro #videoediting #tutorial #smertimbagraphics #premiereprocc #premiereprotutorial #adobe #videoediting #filmmaking #textbehindobject #animation #editing