The principle of Generality in Criminal Law
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00:09 - Characteristics of a Penal Law (Generality, Territoriality, Prospectivity)
01:06 - Generality of a penal law
02:44 - Example of generality
04:05 - QUESTION: What is the legal basis for this principle of generality?
05:36 - A foreigner's right to due process and equal protection
07:55 - QUESTION: Are there instances where our penal laws do not apply even if a crime is committed by a person residing or sojourning in the Philippines?
08:34 - Treaties or treaty stipulations
09:15 - When U.S. authorities have jurisdiction
14:59 - When Philippine authorities have jurisdiction
17:52 - Laws of preferential application
21:16 - Principles of public international law
23:15 - What are consuls? Is there a difference between a consul and an ambassador?
23:56 - Are consuls entitled to the privileges and immunities of ambassadors?
00:09 - Characteristics of a Penal Law (Generality, Territoriality, Prospectivity)
01:06 - Generality of a penal law
02:44 - Example of generality
04:05 - QUESTION: What is the legal basis for this principle of generality?
05:36 - A foreigner's right to due process and equal protection
07:55 - QUESTION: Are there instances where our penal laws do not apply even if a crime is committed by a person residing or sojourning in the Philippines?
08:34 - Treaties or treaty stipulations
09:15 - When U.S. authorities have jurisdiction
14:59 - When Philippine authorities have jurisdiction
17:52 - Laws of preferential application
21:16 - Principles of public international law
23:15 - What are consuls? Is there a difference between a consul and an ambassador?
23:56 - Are consuls entitled to the privileges and immunities of ambassadors?
The principle of Generality in Criminal Law
Principle of Generality
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Generality Meaning
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Metaphysics by Ralph McInerny, Ph.D.: 4. The Scandal of Generality
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Generality Meaning In English