The Mistake 90% of Painters Make (And Why It's Killing Your Progress)

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It seems like there are always new miniatures to paint and new paint brands to try. But I have a very important truth to share: your paints could actually be holding you back in your miniature painting.
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Lyla Mev The Mini Witch creates beginner miniature painting tutorials and easy-to-understand guides for Warhammer, dungeons & dragons, and more. My favorite things to paint are sisters of battle, display quality miniatures, and focusing on having fun.
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100% agree with don't buy a set of an entire line all at once. Honestly buying enough to do a project to get a feel for the paint is more than enough to get an overall base understanding if a line is right for you.


But how else will I satisfy my goblin-brain desire to own all the pretty colors?!


100% agreed Lyla!!! After testing out the P3 paints, I've come to similar conclusions, I think we are just at a point where most paint lines are good, there isn't a lot of difference between them! Good overall advice too, great video!


Thank you for saying what most won't for fear of losing sponsorship or freebies. Always trust Lyla.


Great vid! There are so many perfectly fine paints out there these days, and our desks only hold so many...


Thank you for speaking the truth, not just trying to sell a product.


You're right when you said that sometimes paint and people just don't work well together - my last new brand told me to **** off after a week. Still, I thought their comments about me being rubbish in bed were completely


I've painted with Scale 75 for 8 years. At the beginning they didn't worked as I expected. So I worked on understanding the paints and what techniques to use with them. After a while I got pretty fast and good. At the beginning of the year I switched to ak 3rd gen and it was a well thought decision as I knew what other properties I wanted in a paint.


I always enjoy your videos and find myself wanting them to be longer. I'm not trying to say you should make longer videos, just that I really like your content and wish I had more to consume! Keep on keepin' on!


In this case, what is bananas is that the kickstarter requires a massive commitment to get interesting colors. I bet there'll be P3 paints I'll want to use, but I can't imagine spending hundreds of dollars and another shelf or three.


Heck yeah, a real review of the new P3s! Can always trust Lyla Mev to have an honest opinion.


I was watching one of those videos that paint using only the contents of the Start Painting box. For the second model the presenter changed to a quality brush and a wet palette. Everything else was the same and it really showed that Tools and Technique matters more than paints or color variety thereof.


I've been painting some orks for the past few weeks, and working on layering different colors, skin, and simple weathering and grime, and it's been a delight.


I am just starting to understand this concept, appreciate this video and some honesty, not just a sales ad again thank you


Thanks for making this video, Lyla, this needed to be said.

YouTube creators must review new products (understandably), but this creates a compulsion in viewers who believe they *must* purchase the new product, and that they'll magically become better at hobbying. This applies not only to paints, but everything in our hobby. The reality, like your rightfully say, is that most products & paints are roughly equivalent. It's better to invest time in using what you already own than to buy new stuff.

I think buying new stuff is exciting because it's frictionless. Instant gratification. The unspoken truth is that when we buy new stuff, we believe we're also buying the time and skill to use it -- but that's a fiction. I buy a box of new minis and I think I'm buying the ones painted for the box art, but in reality I'm buying sprues of gray plastic who knows when I'll get to paint. I buy a new paint set and I think I'm buying the ability to paint like Lyla or Vince Venturella or Sorastro, but in reality I'm just buying some pots of medium & pigments, some of which will dry up before I get to use them.

Actually using the stuff takes time, effort and patience!

Again I appreciate this video, it REALLY needed to be said.


P3! Practice, perseverance, and patience! I'm just happy there is a few new colors.


Thank you for this video. It's exactly what I needed to hear. I really enjoy all your videos


this is what I needed to hear, thank you. I am taking my Scale 75 and I will be working on volumes and glazing instead of jumping into p3 again. (except maybe black coal. that color is unique and great)


I agree with not buying a complete new range, just because. But trying out new stuff and learning different tools and angles to solve hobby problems keeps painting engaging and that's when I'm learning best.


As a long-time user of the P3 paints, I am glad to see them returning, and I am getting them through their Kickstarter. But this was not a case of shiny new paint, but a chance to restock on colors I like and have not been able to get recently and get some new colors from that line. And practice is always the best route to getting better at any skill.
