Buchla 700 Voice Architecture Approximated in Supercollider Code, Part 1 (with tutorial tidbits)
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I'm fascinated by the Buchla 700, and was interested in learning Supercollider programming, so I figured I'd try learning Supercollider by trying to implement my (rough guess) of the Buchla 700 architecture, since I was very interested in hearing what its various "Configurations" (equivalent to what Yamaha called "Algorithms" in its famous FM synthesizers) sounded like. I don't assume you have any knowledge of Supercollider before going through the code, but I do assume you're familiar with the basics of programming. I call out some of the "gotchas" I discovered, particularly the pain you can feel like treating Supercollider like it's a more common language. Superficially, Supercollider syntax looks like Java, C, C++, C#, etc. but the semantics are much closer to Smalltalk.
I recorded this primarily for the benefit of the students in my Retrofuturistic Hardware Vertically Integrated Project team, but I made this public in the hopes that others will find it useful as well.
I didn't have time to do much editing on this, so it's somewhat rough and stalls in spots where I'm thinking about what to say or stumbling over a word or two. Hopefully it still flows reasonably well.
Buchla 700 Voice Architecture Approximated in Supercollider Code, Part 1 (with tutorial tidbits)
Part 2: Buchla 700 Voice Architecture Approximated in Supercollider Code: The SynthDef
Part 3: Buchla 700 Voice Architecture Approximated in Supercollider Code: MIDI
Part 4: Buchla 700 Voice Architecture Approximated in Supercollider Code: GUI
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