Pio XII e la crisi della Chiesa. Intervista ad Emilio Artiglieri e Guido Vignelli

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Pio XII è il papa più citato nei documenti del Vaticano II, il papa con la più ampia storiografia del XX secolo, eppure è il papa meno ascoltato degli ultimi anni. Se fosse stato capito un po' di più, forse la crisi della Chiesa sarebbe stata evitata, o almeno meno grave. Ne parliamo con l'avv. Emilio Artiglieri, presidente del Comitato Papa Pacelli, e con il prof. Guido Vignelli, scrittore ed esperto di Dottrina sociale.
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Grande Artiglieri, anch'io faccio parte del comitato papa Pacelli


Ave Maria 🙏 Laudetur Jesus Christus 🙏❤️


President Ronald Reagan, Mary said, . . . Art the same time it was me who led to the war on drugs cauase I could not be in the army got accepted wrongly and I got a 1 in Rifle AShooting, and I was petrifieds with what I knew. And I ranted and raved at one point as a PFC that the international drug trade was a front for Bilingual Education which Castros guerrilla trainer started. And they carried me away, Cant you see how dangerous she is tyhey said, put me in Brooks Medical Center and Pontius Pilate and Queen Elizabeth 1 said oh it was my dream to do somerthing about the drugs. Rigfht there, Pontius Pilate cannot any more then her be in charge . And all the leaders strink. Heaven is not of rthis world though this second rtime around major ones arew living in Heaven on earth. I callewd my cousin Frankiwe crying my eyes out who worked in the FBI in Narcotics. He is really a saint, St. Athenasius.
