BUTTER Trailer (2022) McKaley Miller, Alex Kersting, Mira Sorvino, Drama Movie

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BUTTER Trailer (2022) McKaley Miller, Alex Kersting, Mira Sorvino, Drama Movie
© 2021 - Blue Fox Entertainment
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I wish that people would stop considering CATFISHING romantic. You are not a victim, you are manipulative and gaslighting.


So this people didn't learn nothing about the Sierra Burguess movie? Catfishing will never be OK it's creepy af


I feel like we really need to clarify for the teen romance industry the difference between a situation where people meet online and neither party knows who the other is (aka A Cinderella Story with Hillary Duff) vs catfishing. I feel like they've taken the idea of getting to know someone on a deeper level without surface things like appearance getting in the way and extended it to catfishing... but it's very different when one person knows who the other is and deliberately misrepresents themselves to the other who is left in ignorance. That is creepy. Also whilst people who are not traditionally good looking absolutely deserve love if they're decent people, these movies send the message that if you're not conventionally attractive you are allowed to be attracted to someone based on looks but the pretty people who do the same are vapid. It's a kind of unfair double standard that also manages to reinforce a very problematic incorrect idea that fat is ugly and therefore if you're fat you have to trick people into falling for you.


I REMEMBER READING THIS BOOK WHEN I WAS YOUNGER!! Although it's weird that it's being advertised as some heartwarming Lifetime movie, the book was pretty dark. Plus in the book they made it clear that he was totally in the wrong for catfishing, and that nobody was the hero of the story


another trailer where you see the whole film in one minute. thanks for saving me 1.5 hour.


"I didn't want to die. I just wanted the immense pain to go away" Yep. I've felt that way too. Many times.


Am I the only one that thought when he said "last meal" he was talking about going on a liquids-only fast at the start of the new year in order to lose weight?


Wtf is this? Are we really combining castfishing, Mukbang and suicide all into one straight to DVD movie?


Hold on your telling me that a whole school of people knew that this kid was going to kill himself and no one did or said anything about it or tried to talk him out of it. The “friends” were trying to help him do stuff before he kills himself meaning that they know his is going to kill himself and do nothing ???


It’s like Sarah burgesss…it wasn’t good then…and still not. Bullying is wrong, ofcourse, but this catfishing romances are not the answer.


you don't have to write a male character as controlling and untrustworthy in order for this plot to work well. stop treating women badly, writers


Obese people don’t need to have a secret talent or identity in order to deserve love 😠


This is a very bad idea and I hope they pull it. Teen shaming and self-harm and suicides are at an unprecedented high due to the pandemic, missing school for a year and a half, extreme isolation and lack of routine and normalcy. Not to mention, but I will, the highly negative impact of *HELLO* SOCIAL MEDIA!! Oh I am sure there is a "happy" ending to this stupid little teen movie but getting there will be painful to watch. No thanks.


One thing that people never talk about is that these misfits always want the best-looking person in their high school, meaning - they are also judging others by their appearances. Why doesn´t Butter want to date the chubby girl with a big heart in the school?


Love seeing Mira Sorvino acting again.


I love the idea of this movie, but I hate catfishing and gaslighting & they shouldn’t have included those annoyingly disgusting traits.


On the topic of weight, 6 months ago, I was diagnosed with extremely high blood pressure, diabetes and extremely high cholesterol. The doctor put me on 5 med. As of today, I've lost 20lbs and my AC1 (diabetes metric) is below diabetes level. All I did was cut off soda and junk food and reduced my regular carbs intake by half. I will most likely be off all med by the summer, according to my doctor. By the way, I didn't starve myself. It's the damn shitty food guys.


I don't know about that movie, but I know how great and truthful and beautiful and emotional the book is (cause Butter is a book written by Erin Lange in the first place). So I just hope the movie will honor the beautiful storytelling of the author.


He literally catfished her and then everyone pretended it was okay...Yeah no. It doesn’t matter the age, he still shouldn’t have done that. No girl is gonna date someone who isn’t honest about who he is. Especially when it’s directly at the start.


This book was so dark, it was the epitome of mid 2000s body shaming. I’m shocked that the story is ever going on screen, especially now
