Webinar: “Vision Problems in Parkinson’s Disease” April 2019

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Our panelists discuss changes in eyesight associated with Parkinson's as well as the effects of other symptoms and medications on vision. We also cover how scientists are looking at the eye as a source of tests to diagnose the disease in its earliest stages.
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Thank you for these amazingly helpful webinars


Thank you for all the great information!
Just a note: Dr. Fabrykowski almost blows out my eardrums. I have to turn up the volume to hear everyone else, but have to QUICKLY turn it down when I hear a question addressed to her.


I haven't been diagnosed with PD I'm age 49 and recently was diagnosed with a vision problem that requires correcting with prisims fitted in my lenses, which helps, I also have what I call partial hallucinations where at a slight distance I see someone lying on a road or an animal then when I get closer it turns into a bag or clothes, I ajao have issues where I get startled by my peripheral vision where I think I'm being watched but it's not it's a lampost or rubbish bin, this freaks me out as it comes with paranoia or feeling anxious, also the last month I've started seeing things closer than they, like my rooms in my home look tiny, everything appears closer to me and I'm reaching to grab something that's further away


My name is David a Olsen. I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease in 2017 lately. I went to a nuclear ophthalmologist and my eyes don’t move very good left to right or up and down. That’s always been a problem but now it’s getting worse my eyes tear a lot and at night, oncoming lights my eyes when I’m driving at night. I had cataracts, but I had that I had them removed, but I’m still having that kind of a problem. What can be done for this?


My mother is suffering from parkinson since 7 years she been in acute and chornic depression and aunuxity also..she cannot sit or stands .she is on bed...her hand and foot shape is turn like curve.the main problem is the inholation..doctor here in pakistan cannt able to treat her properly...she also have problem in eye vision..plz suggust us..thanku..


I have Parkinson's for 8 years lately having a problem I get double vision 3D Vision if I look at a photo close up the subject in the photo is moving if I dropped a tissue on the floor it looks to be moving I see sentences when I try to read at an angle especially if I'm using my phone I laptop my vision is Blurred the letters are not Sharp may have to close my left eye to try and read a sentence I have problems with colours if I set my phone on a brown background and go looking for it say 10-minutes later I cannot see it but my distance is fine with glasses but communication is difficult for me when it comes to using communication devices and a depend on speech text it does not over print what I say must be my Irish accent lol and it is difficult to correct as I have lost some coordination in my right hand the optician is going to add prism 2 reading glasses I have glasses 4 distance fingers crossed it improves
